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Jason's POV ~

I sat in the meeting room of the pack I got Izzy from. I could feel the tense atmosphere around and i hoped with all my heart I could keep my Izzy!

The alpha of the other pack stood up.
"Hello all, i have decided to let that incident slip from my mind." He began which made me sigh out in relief. My wolf still tried to push against me so he could take control and kill.

"Anyway, i will only let it slip if you give me My Slave Back" The alpha growled the last bit. I looked at Ricky and whimpered.
"If i give Isabel back what will happen?" Ricky asked.
"I will give her 3 days of in her job then when she comes back we will beat her a bit then take it easy on her for a year then-" I didn't want to know anymore.

"You are NOT taking Izzy! SHE is MINE!" I know i shouldn't have screamed and i know i shouldn't have done that but i didn't regret it. My wolf egged me on to go further into the subject but i refused. The alpha began to growl at me and his eyes turned black.
"Give me my slave." He growled "Last chance..." I could tell his wolf was in front and that's when i decided to let my wolf take over.

My fur grew threw my skin this was the first time my wolf was shifting because of anger. I almost smiled at this as my white fur spread all across my body and then my bones started shifting into new places. I let out a low growl at the alpha. The weak alpha that could care less for his pack.

Then a girl walked in.
"Alpha do you need anything?" the brunette girl bowed. He had replaced Izzy! But with who! This made my wolf slash toward the eye of the alpha it caught him and left a blood filled scratch down him. That would scar over.

I nudged the girl with my nose and she climbed on my back.
"Do you know Izzy?" She asked me in a small voice. I nodded and she smiled getting comfy on my back. As the blood trickled down the back of my wolfs legs i ignored it I ran as fast as i could out the door and into the forest.

After around an hour i had to stop, my wolf wasn't in control and my back legs wouldn't move. I shifted back behind a bush that i dragged myself into and stuck some leaves together to keep myself in some dignity. I crawled back over to the girl with my hands and smiled.
"Are you ok?" I asked.

Before she could answer my question i felt a bolt of power go threw my body. Then i panicked. Ricky wasn't with us, he was still in there. He had either died and the power had gone to me or he had transferred the power to me by being jailed. Even in my human form i howled the loudest, longest, Growling howl that i have ever heard.

Isabel's POV ~

I heard a long large howl come from somewhere in the forest. I listened close and so did James and Mason. I instantly recognised it as a wolf in distress and looked over at James and Mason.
"It's a wolf in distress. I heard them a lot at my old pack." I looked at them and shrugged it of.

"Want to know the information that we got from it?" Mason asked me.
"Yes?" I replied
"It's your mate in distress.. It's Jason." James muttered. Then panic and fear seeped into my eyes, no no no no! My Jason why not someone else.
"It's sounds like he was made the new Alpha as well." Mason finished.

Me Mason and James had become good friends over the last 2 days so he knew how to approach this to me.
"Can we please go find him." I growled at them.
"Yes we need to, he just linked us." Mason replied.
"He said. The pack meeting didn't go to well. I attacked the alpha. I ran away until my wolf took the back seat again. I have a girl with me. Help." That is what James replied with.

Before i knew it i was crashing through the window in my wolf form running toward the howl. I didn't care if i got lost as long as i had my Jason. Then it hit me, why was i so worried anyway? I brushed that thought aside, i want my Jason that's why. I sprinted at incredible speeds of 100mph which surprised me and my wolf.

Then i saw him, laying limply on the floor his legs sprawled out across the floor and the girl laying next to him. I nuzzled them both and the girl got on my back along with Jason. I ran them both back to the house and then put Jason down in his spare wheelchair. I shifted back in the bedroom and put some new clothes on.

Jason had wheeled himself into the living room and put his head in his hands. I could feel much more power radiating of him. James and Mason had gone home so that i could talk to Jason alone. I knelt down in front of him and smiled.
"You will be a great alpha." And i kissed his head and slapped his leg twice.
"And you a great luna..." He said before he bust into tears.

He slid his hands down his face and to be fair i didn't blame him. He had been through so much and he had to take on the responsibility of being Alpha now. This was a big thing for me and him.
"Will you be ok, i just need to go check on the girl." The girl had gone upstairs to clean up.
"Yes i will be fine." He replied.

I got up and went toward the girl who was now sat on our bed inspecting her scars. That's when everything clicked.
"Poppy?!" I wailed as i ran into her arms. My poppy was back with me!

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