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Isabel's POV ~

"W-where did you find that?" He asked shakiness painted on his voice.
"The attic.." I mumbled, scared of what he would do next.
"C-can i have it?" His face began to soften so i gave him the painting.

He pulled it into his chest and shed a tear.
"I-I need a m-moment... I will e-explain later..." He stuttered through the cries
"Okay." I replied and i walked into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Why was he so mad then suddenly so sad. I didn't really understand. Anyway i brushed my teeth and then went back in to find him hanging the painting up above the bed.
"So what's this all about?" I asked.
"Sit down.. This will be a lot to take in...

I sat and looked over at him.
"Ok.. so whats wrong..." I asked.
"My mate drew this..." He muttered.
"But i'm your mate aren't i?" I replied.
"Your my second chance mate..." He whined.

The world around me went dark. Questions flooded my head, why, what happened, Does this mean he had eyes for someone else?

I was confused i had no clue what was going to happen now and i swear my face would have been a picture.
"I'm joking!" He laughed and then the relief then went over me was overwhelming.
"So what is that painting then?" I asked.

"I knew someone would ask some say.." He went serious and i put my hand on his arm.
"It's okay." I muttered.
"My dad drew.... it." He began to choke up.
"Sleep for now, tell me more when your ready." I smiled at him. I helped him under the covers and gave him a small kiss on the head.
"Goodnight." I said then i rolled over and shut my eyes...

I woke up to snores from Jason, i decided to get out of bed slowly as to not wake him. I creeped into the bathroom and silently brushed my teeth. I got dressed and tip toed downstairs. Finally i made eggs and bacon and had placed it on the plate just as he came down the stairs on his mobile chair thingy that goes up and down stairs. I smiled at him and put the plate at the table and then pulled his wheelchair over.

"Enjoy." I smiled at him as he wheeled under the table, grabbing a fork and digging in.
"Oh i will." He smiled back. Soon the smiles became world war three of smiling and it ended in hysterics. I loved this, just me and him, the love of my life, my sou- What was i even thinking? I had a degree in history and art as i'm swooning over a man who just happens to be my mate!

I beat myself up mentally and went back to the living room,  turning on the telly. I switched it to Prime TV and watched a few movies like twilight. Soon Jason had joined me in my movie marathon and for some reason i was snuggled into the crook of his neck. after the 3rd move i realised and shifted away slowly.

"I should make us some lunch..."I told him as i got up. I went into the living room and grabbed the knife. I began to chop up some ham for a ham sandwich. Suddenly a crash sounded threw the whole house.
"I know you here!" It growled. Someone had their wolf in control.

I ran back to Jason and quickly wheeled him into the garden.
"Shift Jason!" I lowly whispered. I watched his pained face as i watched his wolf emerge from his body. I began to shift with ease and i quickly sprinted of into the woods closely followed by Jason.

When i felt we where finally safe i let my wolf sit down. My wolf was boring, It had black fur and blue red like mine. I looked over at Jason, he had blood trickling down his leg.
"What is that!" I barked.
"My legs, my wolf hasn't shifted since the night.. The blood is still their and so are the wounds on my wolf" He whimpered back.

How could i have been so inconsiderate! I whimpered and nuzzled my head into his, this surprised me. A wolf that nuzzled something loves it. What was my wolf doing! We both shifted back and Jason's pain had gone though he couldn't move from where he sat.

When we shifted back because we where nuzzling we... Let's ujust say my lips where somewhere i never thought they would EVER be....

On Jason's Lips...

Sorry it's short, wanted to get a chapter out for u all, I will try make the next one extra long!

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