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*Abbi's P.O.V* 

~Already at school~

I walked to my locker to see Jerry and Eddie talking."Hey guys."I said walking up to them."Hey Abbi."They said.I then saw Milton walk up to us."Wanna know who just won the district wide spelling bee?Here's a clue M.E."Milton said."Meh?"Jerry said."It's me,You toad."Milton said."What is that?"Eddie asked Milton."The trophy I won,its a bronze bee."Milton told him."I've got fillings bigger than that thing."I said looking at the trophy."I wrote a little filly name prospecacous all the way to the finish line."Milton said then acted like he was on a horse.I rolled my eyes."Who's the man?Come on,Who's the man?"Milton said."JACK IS THE MAN!"The gym teacher yelled.I started cheering along with everyone."Thanks to Jack's routine,We just won our first gymnastics trophy in fifteen years."The teacher said happily."It wasn't really a routine I was just trying to move fast enough so no one would notice I was wearing a unitard."Jack said,Then two guys walked past wearing unitards and gave him a thumbs up."When you wear one of the things even when you win, you lose."Jack said.I smiled."Show us what you did to win Jack!"Eddie said.So Jack did what he did to win and everyone cheered again.

The teacher walked up to Jack."Jack,I hope this means you're going to stay on the gymnastics team."The teacher said."I told you it was a one time deal. I win your trophy and you get a little visit from the wedgie wizard."Jack said pointing towards Jerry."I guess,A deal is a deal."The teacher said."Just go with it,Hold this."Jerry said handing me the baby powder he put on his hands.He then gave the teacher a wedgie"Is that all you got punk?"The teacher said in a high piched voice.Everyone laughed as he walked away in pain.The rang."Alright let's go."Jack said as we walked to the lunch room."Milton,You coming?"I asked."Yeah,I'll catch up with you guys in a second."He said then smiled at me."Okay."I said smiling then walking away with the other guys.

~After school,Walking towards the dojo.~

"And at the very last second,He caught me."Milton said telling us a story about what happened to him today."He then put me down and walked away.The only thing I know about him is his name,That is Yoshi Nakamura."Milton said."Hm,Never noticed him before."Jack said then started walking faster.I then stopped him."Okay,Hang on.So,you didn't notice a 600 pound custodian,but you did notice when Donna Tobin changed her ponytail from left to right."I said to him sassily,He smiled."Ok,first it was right to left, second it wasn't a ponytail it was a french braid.Third maybe if that custodian had legs like Donna Tobin I would have noticed him too."He said bak to me and started walking again."Whatever."I muttered."Big news everybody.The magic shop across the mall went out of business.They have to sell everything at half price.I feel so bad for them,I think i'm gonna cry."Rudy said walking up to us.He then starts to fake cry while pulling hankies out from his sleeve.

"I don't know how he's doing that man but its freaking me out."Jerry said getting scared.Rudy then started walking into the dojo with us behind him."Anyways,Since the store closed,The storage place finally opened up in the basement directly below us.I finally have a place to storage all my stuff."Rudy said hapily."It's about time this place is getting pretty cluttered."Eddie said."It is not."Rudy said in defense."Rudy,This place looks like a crazy old cat lady lives here."I said."Okay that is a bit of an exaggeration."Rudy said."Really?"I said then went over to the closet and opened it and a lot of stuff fell out including a cat,I backed away and grabbed onto Eddie's shoulder."Okay, that is not my cat."He said pointing to the cat.He then grabbed his wagon and pasted the cat."Are you coming Tip Tip?"He asked the cat,Which the cat got into the wagon while Rudy walked away.

~Next Day~

We were walking down the hall with Milton who made a cake for Nakamura."Bringing gifts to custodians,That's not cool.What's next asking the crossing guard to the prom?"Jerry said."I already tried that,but she just wants to be friends."Eddie said."I think it's sweet that Milton brought his new friend a cake."I said nicley."Thanks Abbi."Milton said."See when someone does something great,You know save a life or when a spelling bee."Milton said glaring at us."They should get some respect."Milton said then knocked on the custodian's office,No answer,He tried again but Jerry pushed him aside and opened the door."Woah!"We all said looking into the office,There were posters and trophys everywhere."Do you know what this means?"Jack said looking at Nakamura's sumo poster."I know exactly what this means, our custodian's king of the babies."Jerry said stupidly.I rolled my eyes.


"Whoa,Check it out guys.There he is."Jerry said pointing towards Nakamura."Come on!"Milton said walking over to him."Mr. Nakamura, I just want to thank you for saving my life the other day."Milton thanked him."That's what I do mop up pudding barf, collect trash, and catch flying boys.I'm living the dream."Nakamura said."We stopped by your closet and saw your newspaper clipings,Trophy and metals.You're amazing!"Milton told him."Then we checked you out on the internet.You were a six time winning sumo chapmion."Eddie said."Yea that match where you lost you diaper thing and kept fighting that was awesome and disturbing but mostly awesome!"Jack said.We all smiled."That was a long time ago,I used to be a hero in Japan but now I plung toliets.And you,You either diet or use the bathroom at home,Jerry."Nakamura said then told the last part to Jerry."Wait,You know my name?"Jerry asked him."In the janitor's room we call you the bowl buster."Nakamura said then walked away."You hear that you guys I am the bowl buster,whoo!"Jerry said.

''Sir,I love that awesome victory dance you do,The Nakamura stomp!"I said to him,The guys cheered."I started that when I saw a spider in the ring,The crowd loved it so I just went with it."Nakamura said."Come on man!Do it for us!"Eddie said."Nah,I'm at work."Nakamura said."Please,Just once."Milton begged."Fine,This one is for you little buddy."Nakamura said patting Milton's shoulder."Yeah!"We cheered then got out of Nakamura's way.He did one stomp on his left,Then on his right and then jumped.The teacher walked up to us,He was pretty angry."Looked what you did!"He yelled at Nakamura."Sorry sir,Where just having little fun."Nakamura said laughing."I didn't hire you to jump around like a hippo!"The teacher yelled at him."I got this."Milton said."Mr.Nakamura would like you treat him with a little more respect."Milton said."So,I don't talk to you with respect huh?"The teacher asked Nakamura.This went on for about a couple mintues until the teacher told Nakamura he was fired.

~At the dojo~

"Guys group meeting."Rudy said when Jack and Milton walked in.We gathered around."Umm,why is Weepy McHugey still here?"Rudy asked us pointing towards Nakamura."The guys through a lot Rudy.We found out why he left Japan in shame."Milton told him."Sixty-five wins in a row,Then some rookie comes in and then throws him out of the ring like a moldy pear."Eddie said."You guys talking pears over there?"Nakamura asked us."There's no pears darling."I said to him."As if that isn't bad enough,He lost his life savings."Jack said."Wow how'd he do that?"Rudy asked Jack."He went on a game show called are you willing to lose your life savings."Jack said."Listen,Once the food runs out were gonna look tasty to that guy.Fix this."Rudy said then walked away."Hey guys,I got an idea.Hey Nakamura,Milton was right you're not a custiodion,You're a champion and with our help you'll get there again."Jack said."I told you,That was a long time ago.Why do you guys believe in me?"He asked us."We live by something called the wasabi code.That means we never give up on each other.We just gotta find a way to get you back on the horse."Jack said."Uhh,Jack it'd probably be safer if the horse got on his back.But uhhh,You know,either way."Jerry said while Nakamura gave him an evil glare.

"Wasabi?"Jack said and held his hand out.We put our hands on top of Jack's,"WASABI!"We yelled together.

~3 hours later~

We're having a sumo wrestling match in the dojo and it's going to be awesome.When the guy that was suppose to fight Nakamura I guess scared Nakamura because he ran into Rudy's office with Jack,Rudy and Milton behind him.The crowd was getting ugly."Guys,We gotta put on a fight.The crowd is getting ugly and they were none to pretty to being with."I said walking into the office."This is all my falut."Milton said then ran out closing the door behind him."Nakamura listen to me,You can't be running from this guy your whole life."Jack said to him."I'm sorry Jack,I just can't go through with this."Nakamura said."You guys gotta see this you're not going to believe it!"Eddie said busting into the office.We ran out to see Milton trying to fight Yamazaki.When Milton almost got tossed out of the ring Nakamura saved him then went in himself.Nakamura won."Nakamura Stomp!"Jerry cheered,"Nakamura stomp!"We started to cheer.He stomped his left,Then his right and finally jumped!But he broke through the floor and landed in the basement.I have to say,This has probably been the best day of my life.

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