writing prompt no. 1

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the water churns in icy swirls at the bottom of the canyon as i stand on the glass walkway. the wind whistles in my ears and burns my eyes. i keep them mostly shut. i hear the suspension cables groan as the wind picks up even more, a grating metallic sound that sends chills down my spine.

i glance warily at juniper. "suppose we should get off? the storm is getting worse."
she shrugs and drapes herself over the railing, staring down at the frigid river, 569 metres below. that 569 metres would be a long fall.
"juniper?" i ask again.
"we just got here," she replies in protest. "relax."

a light rain has started to creep its icy fingers down my neck and back. the wind has picked up and has begun to howl. i shift nervously, keeping my two feet planted on the walkway and my grip fastened on the left railing. juniper, however, is bent over the right railing, with nothing but the very tips of her toes on the glass. i can see her light hair smacking her in the side of the face. she seems to be lurching forward a tad more with every passing second.

i start towards her. "juniper, i don't think you should be hang--" but im interrupted by a horrible 'snap' as a suspension cable gives out with a gust of wind that threatens to blow me over the railing.
the walkway lurches. i see juniper's knuckles whiten as she tightens her grip on the railing.

"juniper, come on! we have to get off!" i shout behind me as i begin to run for the gravel pathway that seems to welcome me with its rough hands as i collapse into its embrace.

i wipe the stinging rain from my eyes and look around. where's juniper?

a chilling dread fills my bones as i hear another painful 'creak' from the suspension cables, and i whip my head around just in time to see juniper. falling over the walkway railing. plummeting the 569-metre drop into the freezing rapids below.

my stomach drops, and my legs move without warning or hesitation. im running. and at full speed, i dive over the edge of the canyon, 569 metres up, and i start to fall. the rain is biting at my cheeks, and the wind is laughing its terrible howling cackle. i can just hear juniper's shrill screams over the roar of the wind and the fast-approaching river. my fingers grasp the edge of her cotton dress. so close. but it's too late. we're only 100 metres above the water, and we won't survive.

"elsie!" juniper screams in a ragged voice. "do something!" she's clawing at the air, eyes bugging out. "please," she adds pleadingly. "please."

but im helpless as we hit the water with a loud 'smack.' we won't survive.

i immediately go numb from the freezing rapids and allow myself to sink. i feel a painful throbbing in my back. my ears are ringing.

is this what dying feels like? i thought that you were supposed to have flashbacks, that it's supposed to go black. maybe im dying slowly.
or maybe im not dying at all.
suddenly realizing my need for air, i thrash blindly to the surface. i pop up out of the water, gasping for breath as i fight to keep myself above the rapids. i glance around in disbelief. im not dead. im not dead. im not dead? i think to myself, and warm relief washes over my body before the panic begins to set in.

where's juniper?

"juniper!" i yell. "juniper!" surely if i survived, she would have as well. she's the tough one.

wild-eyed, i scan the area in desperation. "juniper!" i yell again. my voice is hoarse. "juni--" i spot the red of her dress and splash frantically in her direction. "juniper!" i repeat through a mouthful of water as i grab her pale arm and bring her to the surface. her thick hair is tangled and her eyes are closed.

"juniper," i shake her head, my voice cracking. "can you hear me?"

one look closer at her bloated face tells me her fate and i recoil, letting her limp body be carried away with the current. the fabric of her dress snags on a rock and she disappears under a cluster of ripples.

i begin to hyperventilate. breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out. this wasn't how it was meant to be. breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out. we were going to die together. breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out. she was all i had. she was all i had.

i scream up into the void, letting it echo on the looming canyon walls. my salty tears mix with the frigid water and i scream and scream and scream. they told us we were fine, that we were some of the last who weren't "special." the lab report is on my wall and everything, tacked neatly onto the cork board with a ladybug nail. now the ladybug is mocking me, its shiny red wings hitting me in the face as it taunts me. they lied. they lied.

im alone. alone. my parents are gone, and now juniper is gone with them. but all of that is now meant to be treated like a passing breeze in my life, because guess what? ill never die. i should have died with juniper. that's what they told me. i should have. i should have.

but i didn't. a bitter anger fills my heart as i sob and scream.

it's all because im one of them.

it's because im an immortal.


alright alright alRIGHTY THEN, my men. if you finished this short, i salute you. trash starts to smell after a while.

i would appreciate it if you guys could send in a couple of prompts, maybe ones that you want to see on paper. if the prompt is something batshit crazy, a meme, or simply just a shitpost, im down.

hasta la declined visa,


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