Yoongi was straightforward and had skill in showing a piece of his mind and observing people, and to think that even Suyung didn't listen to him.. 

"Tell her your point of view first," he said. "And then tell her about letting herself rest. She's so reckless.. her hand needs to do the least action as possible." 

"I understand, hyung." I nodded. "I'll talk to her." 

"If she doesn't listen, I won't have a choice but to let my words loose." he pointed out. "I'll tell the others. You should go." 

I didn't hesitate. 

Right after he said those words, I was off. 

I wasn't good at convincing people. As much as I hate to admit it, Suyung was hard to read. Even for me. She was unpredictable and open-minded, she would do things on her own and would have a clear goal in mind. 

Sometimes she wouldn't even think of herself. 

I knew she was working in the town hall at this time. The sun was already setting, and I mentally thanked Hoseok for giving me a scarf. I was very thankful today. 

My feet took me inside. And sure enough, the people were already going home. At least some of them. I stopped by one of the rooms, once seeing a familiar face. 

"Yuna." I muttered under my breath. How long has she been working? From where I was, I could see her trying to keep herself awake by shaking her head. 

I quickly made my way over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Yuna." 

She turned her head, and her cheeks flushed. "T-Taehyung? What are you doing here?" she averted her gaze from mines. She always did, but I didn't mind. She still wasn't used to this, huh? 

"Let's go home." I smiled. "Please." 

She looked away, "Taehyung, I need to work." 

"No." I said. "You need to rest." my gaze landed on her hand. And on instinct, I gently grabbed it. She flinched. "Yuna.. your stitches are broken." blood was visible on the gauze, which meant her wound started bleeding again. 

I was panicking. "Please. Please rest. Let me take you to the hospital and stitch-" 

"I still have many things to do." she lightly yanked her hand away. "You understand that, right?" her voice was soft and tired. 

I wanted to see her smile. 

"Do it for me.. for Nami.." this time, she looked me in the eyes. I could see the pain in hers. 

Her gaze lowered, and so did mines. "My sandals broke." 

I turned around. "I'll carry you." 

"N-No, Taehyung-" 

"Yuna, hop on!" I grinned, urging the atmosphere to become lighter. Eventually, she sighed and ended up hopping on my back anyways. I was heading to the hospital. 

"About the other night.." I started, feeling an uneasy feeling in my gut. "Yuna.. I don't want to leave you.. ever.. you know that, right?" 

She was quiet for a moment. "Where are you going at, Taehyung?" I could sense the pain her voice. 

"My dad texted me." I blurted out. I felt my heart beat faster as she laid her head on my shoulder. "He said that he was going to come over any time and let me study in Seoul." 

"Oh." those were the first words that came out of her mouth. "You're.. leaving." 

"That's not it, Yuna." I reassured, though it sounded more like I was reassuring myself. "You know I wouldn't let that happen.." 

"Taehyung." she said sternly. "You promised me something." 

My eyes widened. 

"That you would pursue your dreams and go with your family even if it means leaving me." she faked a laugh. "You.. promised." 

"I'm not leaving you." I replied, as I place her on one of the seats in the hospital. I motioned to one of the nurses and instructed them, before turning to her again. 

"You can't always assure that." she gave me a smile, but this time, I was certain it was a real one. She gently grabbed my hand. "You'll do fine." 

The nurse arrived and started treating her. 

I wasn't going to leave her. 

Was all of this just going to end like this? 

This beautiful thing we both have.. was I just going to throw it away? 

I watched slowly as the nurse was done with her new stitches, and started wrapping a new gauze around her hand. "Miss, you have to lessen your action with your hand." she smiled, before bowing. 

I carried her again, this time, heading her home. 

It was quiet the whole way. My mind wouldn't help but think about every moment we've had. Our first kiss.. our video calls.. 

We arrived at the flower shop, and I place her on one of the seats at the front. 

I hope she couldn't see my face in the dark. 

"Taehyung.. are you crying?" her brows furrowed, and though she wasn't wearing any sandals, she stood up and wiped my tears with her thumb, before pulling me into a hug. "Jagi, please don't cry." 

My heart pounded.

I lowered my head and buried my face in her shoulder. "Suyung.." my voice cracked. "I don't want to leave you." 

We stayed like that for a while, until I felt something wet drop on my shoulder. I looked up. 

"I don't want you to go." she smiled and quickly wiped her tears. "But you have to.. right? You'll do good." 

"I'm not going." I finalised. 

"You are." she persuaded. "Taehyung.. I understand. It's your dad's decision, and you'll be much more closer to your dreams. Just imagine." she smiled up at me. 

Before I even got to reply, she pulled me in a kiss. 

I kissed back right away. 

I wish things could last. 

She pulled away and rested her forehead against mines, "I love you, Taehyung." she whispered. "So much." 

"I love you much more." my hand made it's way to caress her cheek. And as much as I hated it, she pulled away. 

"I'm dropping out of school." she said, putting a strand of hair behind her ear and flashing me a small smile, a light tint of pink powdering her cheeks. "The flower shop's going to be closed tomorrow. I haven't told anyone yet.. so please tell the others about it, alright?" 

She was dropping out of school? 

Why hasn't she told me any sooner? 


She moved closer and planted a kiss on my cheek. 

"Goodnight." and with that, she walked inside. 

And I felt.. 



Taehyung's point of view! Thank me later. Suyung's dropping out of school - Taehyung's leaving, Jungkook still in the hospital, soo many problems for both people. 

What now? 

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