Chapter Forty-Three

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Class ended sooner than I thought it would.

I stood up and shouldered my bag. Finding myself face to face with Jaehee, who gave me a smile and a wave. "Hey. I'm off to do something else. You can go home without me."

I cocked an eyebrow, "At a Thursday? Where are you going?"

She playfully rolled her eyes and huffed. "I have some things to do, too. I'm gonna pass this one performance task. Sheesh, you really can't live without me, can't you?"

I laughed softly. "Alright."

"Go home safe!" she beamed, giving me a two finger salute, before running off with a folder tucked under her arm.

And when we meant by 'go home', we actually meant, 'go and have fun hanging out with the others', as we usually hang out by the benches everyday after school.

I exited school and found the others sitting around on the table. As I made my way over to them, an idea popped in my mind. And smiling mischievously, I walk slower to try and see who had their back facing me.

As far as I could tell, it was Taehyung.

So I slowly made my way over to them. The others, who was facing my direction, already noticed me, but I put a finger up to my lips to prevent them from ruining my plan.

When I finally got to close the distance, I place my hands on top his eyes and giggled.

"Guess who." Jungkook smirked, eyeing both of us.

"That laugh is so Yuna." Taehyung beamed, grabbing unto both of my hands and letting them drop from his eyes. He looked over his shoulder and smiled. "I knew it."

"Cute." Jimin waved at me and motioned me to sit beside him, which I gladly did.

"It's cold." Seokjin shivered.

"It is." Namjoon nodded. "We're glad it isn't snowing yet. We've got a month to go."

"Yay." Yoongi said sarcastically.

I took off my bag and placed it in front of me, before pulling out my notes to check out if we had any homework for today - I felt their gazes on me.

"What is it?" I asked curiously, looking up.

Some of them turned their heads to look away, while some just shrugged. Yoongi locked eyes with me, "Do you have anything to wear on Saturday?"

"Jaehee let me borrow a dress." I replied. "And she's going to do my makeup and hairdo again. Do I really have to dress so formally?"

Seokjin laughed. "It's a prom!"

Yoongi pursed his lips. "But I wouldn't complain if she ended up going with pants and a shirt." he said bluntly. "I'd prefer it." he cleared his throat and gave Taehyung a sneaky glance, which I noticed.

"What about Taehyung?" I turned to Tae, who didn't meet my eyes. "Come on.. tell me!"

"It's nothing, Yuna!" Jimin reassured, throwing an arm around my shoulders. "But if you want to, you can go to the prom wearing pajamas, I couldn't complain. And wait a minute.." he hid his face. "Gah.. that would be so, so cute."

"Really?" I chuckled.

"Don't worry." Taehyung grinned awkwardly. "You already know about it, and it's about you, too - so it's not a big deal."

"Big deal!" Hobi spoke up, then started panicking. "My poor Yuna got her heart broken. I don't want to see her so sad anymore. Why does it have to be so hard to look after her?"

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