Chapter 12: Threat

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Junho then turned around, his face was priceless.

"Miss me, Junho?" the newcomer smirks evilly. 

"J-Jonggun?" Junho stuttered lamely. 

Raven snickered in the inside, it is well known that Junho is scared $hitless against Jonggun. Unfortunately Jonggun is her mentor and a close friend of hers. He is someone she admire and she still can't believe that she actually took her as his student. More like his only student.

Jonggun is also the one who taught her to control her demon and one of the person who can stop them.

Not only that Junho's older brother (RIP, bless his soul) was also the one who left the scar near Jonggun's eyes. Both people are just messing with the wrong person. Idiocy seems to run in both siblings' bloods. No wonder.

Jonggun walks into the room while eliminating Junho's underlings. He walks closer and closer to Junho. "You look scared." Jonggun said as he is two steps away from Junho.

"Raven, if you don't get him away from me then I will kill that little girl." Junho threatened.

"Eonnie! Save me!" Hani yelled as she tried to kick the air to free herself.

  Junho's underling put his hand on her mouth to shut him up as her small frame kept on struggling against him.   

"Oppa, stand back." Raven said. Jonggun surprisingly followed as he proceed to terminate the rest of Junho's underlings. One by one they all went down leaving only Junho and Hani's captor.

Junho then took Hani from his underling and took a gun out from his back pocket. He then pointed it to Hani's temple. "If I pull this, she dies but I am sure you know that right." Junho said to Raven. Junho put his arm around Hani, in one tight grip. Hani might loose her oxygen but it can also give them advantage.

Then Raven looked at Hani's eyes, Hani's eyes were terrified but the little one knew that her-so-called-sister will definitely save her. As Jonggun also gave her the signal.

"BITE IT, HANI!" Raven yells.


 D-10 Before the school festival

Today the Architecture Class is having a quick meeting regarding tomorrow. Bum Jae is hosting the meeting with Vasco, who commands about what should be done. The class is in a riot, they are really excited to see cute girls from other schools. 

"Also we have our yearly Slave Auction." Bum Jae said as he wrote 'Slave Auction' on the whiteboard, "Unfortunately none of us can participate because we are sophomores but we are allowed to vote for the First Year guys."

Jinsoo put her hand up, Vasco looks at her, "Yes, Jinsoo?"

"I am a bit confused, what is the Slave Auction about?", she smiled sheepishly feeling a bit stupid for asking such a silly question. "Sorry for asking such an obvious question." 

Nobody in the class minded though, the girl is new so she doesn't know much about the school's events like this one.

"No problem, SO the Slave Auction is of course, an auction. It auctioned all the First Year guys that are the result from the votes given from other students. During the auction, they will be bid only by girls and the highest bidder can win a date for 8 hours." Bum Jae explained. 

"Well that's interesting, thank you for the information." 

"Oh by the way, Vasco. Didn't you remember last year, you were also voted for the auction?" Bum Jae reminded him. 

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