Lucius knew that he was in a prime position. Either he got what he wanted and Severus back pedaled or he would weasel something out of George that would make his silence worth it.

            "It is definitely worth your time." Lucius taunted slightly before turning to George. "My silence would cost you." He warned.

            George huffed before pouting. "I really hate Slytherins." He mused out loud.

            Lucius arched a brow. "I don't think it would be wise to insult me." Narcissa shook her head at her husband's antics. It was just like him to find pleasure in torturing young adults. Couldn't he just stick to torturing killers?      

            George winced. "I am sorry, I didn't mean it." Fred was staring at his brother in surprise. What in the world did Lucius have on him to make him act like that?

            Severus cursed inwardly. "You have my sincerest apologies Lucius. It was never my intention to come off the way that I did."

            Lucius smirked at George. "That was an apology." George slumped his shoulders in defeat.

            Remus watched the interactions with amusement. He wouldn't say it out loud but he was curious. He wondered why Lucius hinted that Severus would be interested in why George is paranoid. Did it have something to do with his lover?

            Lucius smirked again. "Let this be a lesson to you. If you want something from me, it does not do good to insult me. Also, flattery would have won you the round. So next time, the quicker you act, the better."          

            George narrowed his eyes. He would have just scoffed at the man but he decided to take the advice. There would probably come a time when he would need to suck up to the man.

            Lucius turned to Severus. "He had the immobilizer on him because he feared retribution from you."

            There was a silence that followed that statement before everyone started laughing loudly.

            George huffed before crossing his arms across his chest. They were all just jerks. That was it. He glared at his laughing girlfriend. Some loyalty she had.

            Severus couldn't stop chuckling. It looked like his threat to them in the Black room had been effective. He had no idea it would have caused George to fear for his safety. Apologizing had been worth it. He had been right, this definitely made his day.

            Remus shook his head. He wondered what that said about himself that he was loving the fact that Severus could scare people like that. He should probably scold him but he was just too amused.

            Fred was never going to let this one go. He himself had been concerned over what Severus could do but he hadn't gone out and prepared for it. This was just too good.

            "Also..." Lucius began with a smirk. His smirk widened when George groaned. He was having way too much fun with this.

            "He brought his own drinks to the Manor because he wasn't taking the chances of you poisoning them." Lucius finished with a smile.

            Severus had to force his eyes open as his laughter over took him. What made the whole thing even more hilarious was that he had even mentioned poisoning them to Remus.

            Remus had to hold onto his side to stop a stitch from forming. It was just ironic. He looked to George's red face but he couldn't stop himself from finding it funny.

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