The gift of destiny

Start from the beginning

That's alright Frieda James had been helping me out till you got here. Did you find anything.

Not really the girl replied while placing down her stuff. Before she made eye contact with James once again. Are you going to stay here or what she said in a slightly irritated voice.

Look Frieda I just want to talk. Do you mind. He asked trying to calm her.

No I don't mind but it's Roxy's time you're cutting into you'll have to ask her if she cares. Frieda said.

Roxy nodded at James before she head inside to give them some space.

Frieda please hear me out okay. James began but Frieda quickly cut him off.

James I told you this before and I'll say it again as much as you try and take the bullet for them I'm really not going to be satisfied until they apologize. I'm sorry and I found a house that did justice I'm not sure if I want it yet. I'm not even sure I can remember why I continue to give them chances. I've been hurt by them, betrayed; I want to forgive them but they never apologized. I don't want to cut ties with them. Honestly I just want to understand where I'm headed. James soon you won't be here to make everything better. They have to come up to me themselves and apologize. Call me stubborn but one can't simply just forgive someone from hurting you, from trying to prevent you from achieving something helpful. It's not as simple as that. I wish it was but sadly nothing can be that simple. They made a mistake they have to fix it.

Frieda, I understand. I know it's not easy but sometimes we have to forgive someone regardless if they apologized or not. Alright you know what in believix you have a special ability to help others believe in magic and fairies to believe you. Maybe give it a try Frieda see what it does and how it works. Then try it on yourself and maybe you'll see that while they definitely should apologize you should forgive them regardlessly because they are your friends and you will need them by your side. They are your strength. Friendship can do wonderful things. You know a convergence can only work with true friendship. The strongest spell possible all because of friendship. Frieda do you really want to lose what you have. Because while I may have died twice and came back, you can't, whatever choices you make you can't go back to change. Only you get to choose how your story unfolds. Choose what's right rather than what's easy Frieda. That's all I ask of you. James said as he lifted his hand placing it on Frieda's shoulder, James asked, can you do that for me Frieda?

The girl nodded and just like that he was gone. Back at Love and Pet. Where her friends where. Frieda sat on the grass and tried to figure out her life but it didn't seem likely. She stood up and went to her room. Closing the door she sat on her bed. She knew James was going to leave soon. Her mind soon forgot about all the stress and focused on one thing. She just wished she was still able to see her enchantix it held deep meaning to her and it was the only thing she'd have to remember James by.

Hello Princess Frieda of Rainbow Valley, I am Olivia guardian of the gift of destiny.

Hello she said surprised. Why are you here and how do you know who I am. And what is the gift of destiny. Frieda asked looking at the fairy spirit with curiosity.

I am here Frieda because you summoned me. I know who you are because who doesn't honestly but to be truthful it's because I am your guardian. The gift of destiny is the ability to choose one ability from one of your previous transformations and have it applied whenever you want.

How did I summon you? If you are my guardian does that mean other fairies have there own guardians too. Also how is it possible that you can choose an ability from a transformation and what type of abilities does it include.

Woah slow down there. One question at a time. You summoned me by thinking about something you wanted from a transformation. Now there is the possibility you've been think about it for awhile but you may not have had the access before, only at a certain time does a fairy have to the ability to call upon us. Some fairies aren't able to have this gift so they don't have a guardian. I don't really know how it's possible as I didn't create it I'm just a guardian to help and guide you with it. Some examples of abilities you can get are fairy dust from enchantix or three set of wings from believix along with many others. But you may only choose one ability from each different transformation. So why don't you tell me exactly what you where thinking about before I showed up.

Well, I was thinking about my enchantix. A good friend of mine changed it personally for me and well I just gained believix so I don't know. I just wish I could still have it as a part of me.

How much meaning does it have to you Frieda?

A lot even more. It connected with me in a way and now I feel like I'm missing a part of myself. As if the enchantix was able to make me understand myself more than I thought. It means so much to me but the main reason I want it is because I'm not sure when I'll ever get to see this friend again. It's would be the only thing that would remind me of him.

I see. I'll have to run it through the council normally a full transformation can't be given back just an ability but I'll see what they say your the first to ever propose a good reason to keep it. It might take me a while till I get an answer from everyone so just hold on tight. When I know I'll let you know but if the whole council says yes I can make it immediately happen so don't be surprised if randomly you just transform into your enchantix. Also I may not be able to see you immediately after but if you need me just say I wish to speak to Olivia my guardian of the gift of destiny and I'll appear or you could just think of something you want from a transformation. Any questions before I go.

Just one, what happens if the council rejects the idea?

Let's not worry about that I promise you I will try my hardest to make what you want possible without losing my job. Until we meet again goodbye princess Frieda of rainbow valley.

Olivia you can just call me Frieda. Yet the fairy spirit was gone leaving Frieda alone in her thoughts about what a crazy day it's been. Sighing she looked outside hoping to see James to apologize for snapping but the boy wasn't there. Frieda stared at the ceiling she honestly had no idea what was going to happen between her and the winx but hoped it would end well because once James was gone she'd have to get in contact with them no matter how hard she denied it she knew she needed her friends the problem was did her friends need her.

We should totally make a song about how I'm always late. I'm sorry. Trying my hardest to get them out on time. Onward to the Q and A.

Q: Do you know how to play any instruments?

A: No.

Anyways that all for this week

I hope you guys have enjoyed and if you did smash that star

Don't forget to comment down below what you guys thought I love hearing what you guys have to say

And I'll see ya all next time :)


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