Chapter 6: A True Mentor

Start from the beginning

He held his hands up. "Woah woah. We don't mean any harm here. We sensed a bit of aura near where we were at, and we got curious."

I read his aura as best I could, and he was indeed telling the truth. I lowered by blade, but didn't get rid of it.

He sighed in relief. "Damn, that was close. My name is RJ. This is my partner, Lucario. We are from the Kalos region."

I narrowed my eyes. "Wait. Your RJ?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"You were the Kalos league champion for a while, right?

He tilted his hat. "Yeah. That's me. Now who are you two?"

Lillie stepped up. "My name's Lillie. This is my Boyfriend, Sun."

He chuckled. "Lovers. Ok I got it." He turned towards me. "Your name... You wouldn't happen to be the Alolan Champion as well, would you?" I nodded after ditching my blade.

"Well it's always nice to meet another Champion. Now if I may ask, what did you mean when you told us 'they' sent me?"

"Sorry. A group called Team Rocket has resurfaced and may be after me and Lillie."

He looked down for a second. "Damn. So that's what he's been doing for these last few years. Never would've thought...." He trailed off.

I looked at him with concern. "What are you talking about?"

He shook his head. "Sorry. You see, Team Rocket disbanded for several years after the police got files on every bit of their personal data. All high ranking members and grunts were arrested.

"However," He continued. "Giovanni, their leader, disappeared as soon as they shut down their operations. I assume that he has spent several years rebuilding Team Rocket to make a comeback."

"Wow. I didn't know that." I said in shock.

He looked up. "Don't worry about that now. I was watching you three training, and I thought I could help you guys. I am very experienced in aura, so I can teach you guys if you want any help."

I nodded. "Yeah. We could sense you had a powerful aura. Are you sure you want to help us?"

"Yes. Besides, I also want to battle you too, so this just makes this more fun for me while I'm here." He grinned.

"Ok then. I am fine with it. What about you guys?" I asked. They both nodded.

RJ smiled. "Perfect. Now Lillie, do you mind if I talk with Sun and Lucario alone for a little while?"

Lillie narrowed her eyes suspiciously. RJ laughed. "Don't worry, I'm not going to kidnap your boyfriend."

"Ok. Be careful Sun. I'll be at the house." She hugged me and then left.

He spoke to us through aura at that point. "Alright. Now for starters, I noticed you guys knew about the basic stuff for aura. You both have great Aura Sense, you can read thoughts and emotions, form Aura Spheres, and make physical objects."

We nodded. "I learned all of my stuff from Lucario." I gestured to my partner.

RJ smiled. "You have a good partner. However, there are a few things that neither of you know about. For starters, you can use your aura to enhance your physical abilities. For example, you can move faster, pick up heavier objects, stuff like that."

I gasped. I had never thought about that before.

"On top of that," his Lucario continued. "You can also use your aura to heal certain injuries. That skill can make you tired fast, but it definitely helps."

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