Awkward Talk

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Devon's P.O.V

"Hey what's the rush?" said Cole laughing "Um nothing much I was just heading back to my trailer." I said just as he was about to leave a spoke up. "Cole can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked. "Yeah sure what's up?" he asked. "Can you just come with me to my trailer to talk? Sorry you're not busy are you? I asked. "No that's fine sure." he replied. Oh god Devon how are you supposed to explain to Cole Sprouse how you've never kissed anyone before. Ugh he's gonna make fun of you! We walked into my trailer and both sat on the bed across from each other. "Look I just found out from Camilla that you and I would have to do a kissing scene?" I said pretty nervous. "Oh I didn't know I was that repulsive that you wouldn't want to kiss me?" he said jokingly of course. "No trust me it definitely isn't that." I said laughing "It's just.. please don't laugh at me." I said "Of course not what is it?" he asked "I've never kissed anyone before." I said really quite and fast. "What?" he asked "I've never kissed anyone before okay! You probably think I'm a loser now right? Great!" I said "What no of course not. I'm just kind of surprised I mean you're really pretty and you're almost nineteen?" he said "Yeah I know it's lame I've just never had the occasion okay?" I said "No really that's fine. I'd be honored to be the first." he said smiling and I started getting kind of embarrassed. "I honestly feel bad that you have to I'm terrified and awkward and I know I'm gonna be horrible." I said "Hey it's okay it really isn't that big of a deal and if you feel comfortable enough with me, we could practice now?" he said I took a deep breath. "Okay I guess it would be better to try now than in front of a camera the first time." I said "Okay good relax again this shouldn't be scary it isn't a big deal you'll be great." He started moving closer to me and put one hand on my neck the other on the bed leaning towards me. "Okay tilt your head a little to the right and just close your eyes and let it happen." he said He was so close to me I'm surprised I wasn't freaking out. This is going to happen I'm going to kiss Cole Sprouse it's actually happening. I did as he said and leaned in before I could think about it more his lips crashed into mine. It was amazing unlike anything I've ever felt before. He pulled away pretty quite and I know it would be weird and unprofessional but I really wanted to kiss him again, right now for so much longer. "There that wasn't so bad was it?" he asked doing his adorable face he made after he kissed Betty in episode six (you know the face don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about) I was so happy I forgot how to speak I just stared. "You okay?" he asked laughing He has the cutest laugh. "Oh yeah I'm fine yeah that wasn't bad at all." I said trying to sound calm. "Okay um I hope that helped?" he said rather awkwardly. "Yeah thanks." I said "Well I should probably get going now." he said "Yeah okay see ya tomorrow." I said waving "Bye Devon" he said as he left. After he left I actually slid down my wall with my back. That just happened I had my first kiss! I had my first kiss with COLE FREAKING SPROUSE! I actually felt fireworks. I know cliche but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't true. I actually now know that I have a crush on him. It sucks cause I know he likes Lili. Ugh their perfect for each other. But hey at least I get to kiss him again. *sign*

Cole's P.O.V
Okay how has Devon never kissed anyone before? That kiss was so perfect. I hate to say it but better than any kiss Lili has ever given me. A lot of fans assume I'm dating Lili trust me were just really good friends. We like our characters as a couple but I definitely don't have feelings for her. I never thought I would develop feeling for Devon, but she's absolutely gorgeous. She's talented, funny, caring and now I can add a great kisser, glad I could find that out first hand. I want to impress her some way. Oh of course my photography. That's perfect I'll ask Devon if she can model for me. I'll take her to my secret location in the field where I took the pictures of Lili. (Okay seriously my dream though). Perfect! I'll ask her now.

Cole: Hey Devon random question... Would you be interested in modeling for me? I think you're honestly gorgeous.. plus you're a dancer right? I've never photographed a dancer and I'd love too. That's okay if you don't want to but I really hope you'll consider it? xx

Devon: Oh my god sure I'd love too. I can't wait! xx

Cole: Okay good. How about tomorrow after filming around 8. I want the sunset in the background it'll look amazing!

Devon: That's great. It sounds amazing! I can't wait. Night.  xx

Cole: Night. xx

Yes okay she actually said yes. I wasn't actually lying either she is gorgeous of course and I have never photographed a dancer. I can't wait to see what she can do. Until tomorrow at my favorite place with my favorite person.

Devon's P.O.V

Cole actually wants ugly me to model for him, and he called me gorgeous. Hey I mean if dancing helps. I've been dancing for fifteen years. I love it so much! We're combining our passions of photography and dance ugh that's so perfect. I'm so excited I can't sleep!

My Acting NightmareOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora