Never been Kissed?

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Devon's P.O.V

I walked to Cami's trailer and she let me in, Lili was already there. "Hey!" said Cami as she hugged me. "Hi" I said. I said hi to Lili and she hugged me too. "Okay so lets get to know eachother better. Truth or Dare?" said Camilla cutely like we were at our first sleepover. We all agreed and sat on the floor. "Okay Lili truth or dare?" asked Cami. "Dare" she said. "Okay I dare you to start a live stream and sing the entire Lizzie Mcguire song and then just stop the stream." Lili laughed and agreed. She did it and I put it on my snapchat and Insta actually loved it. She was getting so many amazing comments. She didn't say anything and just stopped. Cami and I were dying. "Well I'm gonna have some explaining to do tonight. But I think they expect this from me now." laughed Lili. "Okay Devon truth or dare?" she asked. "Um why not dare?" I said. "Do the dance to "I Feel Love" from Riverdale like the hand climbing thing." said Lili. "Gladly" I said and they started the song I was literally obsessed with this. Cami even started joining me and I did it I even started singing it with her. It was so much fun! "Okay that was the best dare I've ever gotten!" I said "Cami truth or dare?" I asked. "Dare I'll keep the trend going." she said "Okay I dare you to call KJ and just remind that he will never be as Daddy as Lili." I said "Hell yes!" Cami starting dailing him and we waited. "Hi Cami why are you calling me when you're literally two minutes away?" asked KJ "Um I just wanted to remind you that you'll never be as daddy as Lili Pauline Reinhart, Keneti James Fitzgerald Apa!" she yelled into the phone. "That's where you're wrong and why the full names Camila Carraro Mendes?" he asked. "I have no idea I just like your full name and thought it sounded cooler." she laughed "Anyway bye." she hung up. "Speaking of full names what's your middle name Devon just curious?" she asked "Oh it's Serena it's okay I guess." "Devon Serena Skye I like it, cool now I can say that when I call you!" she laughed. "Anyway Devon Serena Skye truth or dare?" she asked "I guess I'll do truth now?" i said "Okay what was your first kiss like?" she asked Well this is akward. "Um...I've actually never kissed anyone?" I said "Oh my gosh seriously how you're gorgous?" said Lili. "Yeah seriously?" Cami agreed. "Thanks guys I don't know I've just never liked anyone or had a job where I had too." "Oh my gosh this means Cole is gonna be your first that's so cute goals!" exclaimed Cami. I looked at her confused. "I kiss Cole? When?" I asked thinking she was joking. "Don't you read ahead? I think it's episode 10? I mean you're breaking up Bughead of course you guys kiss?" said Camilla. "Oh? I didn't know that ugh now I'm terrified!" "It's okay it's really not as bad as you think?!" said Lili who has obviously kissed Cole numorous times now. "You just have to remember that it's not real?" said Lili kind of upset. Chill Lili I'm not really gonna date Cole. "Wow I feel bad for him. I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm gonna make a fool of myself." I said feeling pretty anxious. "It's okay if it's really bothering you go talk to Cole about it and let him know not to rush into anything he'll understand trust me." said Cami. "But that's so awkward  and embarrassing to admit." I said "Okay then don't think about it and just let him kiss you. I'm sorry if you're upset I thought you already knew?" said Cami "It's okay I had to do this at some point why not make it now?" I said. "Seriously if you're that nervous go talk to Cole maybe you could practice or something?" Cami was dead serious but honestly it would probably be helpful. "Okay I'll consider it. Thanks girls" I said "Well I'm exhausted I should really go to bed now thanks so much for the fun night." I said hugging them. "No problem my door is always open if you ever need to talk about anything espically the kiss. Lili and I both had to do onscreen kisses, Lili even did it with Cole. We'd be happy to give you advice." said Cami. "Also there is no problem with that don't ever think that there is. Be happy that you can get a proper kiss for the first that isn't when you're twelve and didn't even know the guy." said Lili I really appreciate that cause I have always been kind of afraid to talk about this cause everyone seems to have already had their first kiss by now. "Thank you guys so much!" I said as I left and of course I run into the only person I didn't want to see right now.... Cole Sprouse.

Okay so I loved this chapter I thought it would be so much fun to play truth or dare with Lili and Cami. Yes I also haven't been kissed and I'm almost eighteen but you know what that's okay. It shouldn't matter what age you had your first kiss. I'd rather have the kiss mean something rather than doing it just to say I did it. Just thought I'd share my opinion and make people realize that they maybe aren't alone. Hope you like it so far, what will happen with Devon and Cole? ~NiallerxPrincess

My Acting Nightmareजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें