Callback with Cole?

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Devon's P.O.V

It's the next day and my phone still hasn't rung. I'm so anxious I knew it was too good to be true. I could give it my all but if I'm not what they're looking for then I'm gone. Later on at work my luck changed. I got a call from an unknown number saying that I got the callback and at the callback I would need to read the same sence but with the Cole Sprouse. Oh my god! What? I'm gonna meet Cole Sprouse today? Oh my god what is life? (it's suite) (get it Suite Life) (Omg kill me) Anyway I left work right then and I didn't look back I changed into some shorts, a tank top, knee high socks (Sabrina hides her scares with them) and some converse and I was out the door back to the audition room.

There was only me and one other girl in the room who got a callback I was so close! Since Cole was in Vancover now shooting "Riverdale" they had to skype him to read with us. The girl before me whose name was Sarah went first. I was so nervous and so close. Sarah was the only person standing in my way now! She came out and she didn't seem too happy but I was. I know I know I'm mean but her failure means I have a chance. I walked in the room with the same people and Cole on a screen he looked amazing. Oh my god don't fangirl now! Cole said hi to me I introduced myself than we began the scene. I think Cole and I worked really well together I think he thought so too. Once it was over they said thanks and said they'd call me with good or bad news. Great I'm terrified! But I still feel like that went really well. There's nothing I do now but wait and hope.

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