Chapter 9

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Joe and I get to the stalls and the smell is worse than ever.

"What are we feeding these things?" I say to Joe and he lets out a small chuckle.

"I have no idea, I don't feed the animals, I just pick up after them!" I laugh at this comment from Joe.

Joe and I work for a solid two hours before we decide to get something to eat. We head over to what they call the "Mess Hall" to get some lunch. There are two boys that cook and serve the food, this must be a higher job. There aren't many options for food, it's either slop or potatoes.

After Joe and I finish eating, we head back out to the stalls to quickly finish our job. I keep an eye on the sky to make sure we don't make the same mistake as we did a few days ago.

As night falls we head back to the house. Within the hour, all the daily commotion dies down and everyone starts to go to sleep.

Ben comes into the room where I am sleeping, and I pretend to be asleep. I can feel him glaring at me as he walks by and goes to his bed. Although he sleeps only twenty feet away from me, I still feel semi safe because there are around ten other guys sleeping in the room.

After everyone is asleep, I look out my window. I don't see any "beasts" like the one that attacked me. After about ten minutes of gazing out my window I see something, there is a pig that got loose and is running about. The little guy is just running about and wandering aimlessly.

All of a sudden the pig starts to run and it appears to be dragged to the ground by an invisible force. Just as I saw the skin being ripped off of my leg, I see the skin being ripped off of the pig. It squeals as the lower half of its body is ripped off and being thrown and what seems to be devoured. Blood is everywhere and the pig is dead. The monster eating it is invisible, but with the blood on it I can make out a face. It is a dog-hybrid type thing.

Why the hell am I here.

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