Chapter 1

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I don't know where I am. It is dark and the air is moist, I can't see anything but I get a slight feeling of claustrophobia. I try to move, but I am so scared I can't move my legs. All that I can manage to do is reach my hand out and feel with my hands, 'man, it smells in here' I think to myself as I reach for something, anything, anyone. I think about my family in this time of trouble, wait, do I have a family? Oh god, I can't remember. All I can scrap up from my memories is my name. I think it starts with a 'J', James maybe? I reach out and my hand hits a wall that is covered in something slimy and sticky. I let out a slight shriek and I scoot back causing my back to hit a wall. Terrified, I put my shaking hand on the floor, it too is covered in the greasy substance. I finally get the courage, and feeling back in my legs, to stand up and walk around. Every three steps I take, I hit a wall. I have come to the conclusion that I am in a small box around four feet by four feet. I don't know how tall it is, I can't reach the celling, maybe I should jump. I jump as high as I can, my legs are still sore, and when I land the whole box shakes. I fall to my hands and knees, now completely covered in the sticky goop that covers my prison. All of a sudden I hear a loud creaking noise and the box shakes even more. I think I might puke because of the combination of the smell, the slime, and the violent motions of the box.

I think I've been in here for an hour now, when will this constant torture end? In the middle of my thoughts, there is a sudden bright light and I am temporarily blinded. What the hell is going on? I've decided that I won't just sit there and let whatever blurred shapes are get me. Not knowing what to do I throw and flail my arms in the air screaming. I feel a rope go over my head and around my waist, it tightens and I can't break free. I am lifted up and what appears to be out of the box, and I hit the ground with a thud. Only this time, the ground is soft and not slimy, it's... its... grass. My vision starts to return and I see a boy with beach blonde short hair, he is tall and has a slight attitude.

He looks at me with a smirk and says "Welcome to the dome, mate"

The TrialsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ