Chapter 7

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I don't know what to think anymore. I just watched a young boy die, and Joe is making it sound like it's not a big deal. I sit here just staring at this poor boy for five or so minutes.

"What... just happened?" I ask Joe in a shaky voice.

"Like I told you, every month one of us dies. We're just lucky it wasn't us."

About fifteen minutes later two boys, one short and the other is the chubby boy who wrapped my leg earlier this morning, come and put Kevin's body on a stretcher.

As they pick him up I ask "Where are you taking him?"

"To burry him of course," the chubby kid replies.

I lean over to Joe and I whisper "Where do they burry him and the others like him?"

"Follow me."

Joe takes me over to a part of the dome I haven't been to yet. It is a forested area with moss and vegetation growing all over. Joe points to a small area with different sized rocks placed in some kind of a pattern. As I get closer I see what it is, a cemetery.

There are different gravestones on every grave. Some of them are made from rocks and some from wood. As I read the carvings I see that some of the stones are old. This dome must have been killing boys like me for quite a while.

I watch for a while as they bury Kevin, but the pain is too much. I barely knew him, so why am I so upset? Joe and I walk back to the main house and we see Ben there. He is talking to another boy and they are both laughing.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"I'm just glad that it wasn't me that died!" He says this and then he and the other boy both laugh.

I am so mad at Ben right now, all I want to do is punch him right in the fricken face! Before I know it I ball my hand into a fist, and then I swing my arm and hit Ben right in the jaw.

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