Chapter 4

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I scream as my body slams against the hard surface of dirt. I can feel my pant leg being tugged on so I look back to see what is pulling on it. To my surprise, I see nothing, but the pain is still there. I can no longer feel the bottom of my left leg, nor can I see the beast hurting me. As I stare at my leg I can see my bloody skin being ripped off of my body. The pain is so excruciating that I can't even see straight. I feel as if I will surely die when suddenly I see Ben running towards me with something in his hand. He leaps in the air and I see what is in his hand, it is a machete. He jumps on top of the invisible beast and hacks away at what I think is its head.

Within the next minute the beast is dead... I think. Ben looks up at me, grabs my arm and tells me to run.

We make it to the house where my bed is and I go and sit down, not noticing that my leg is completely torn up.

"What the hell Joe! You know not to be out after dark, I would expect it from the newbie but not you!"

"It was an accident, we didn't know what time it was and before we knew it, it was dark," I say trying to help out Joe, I am also annoyed at Ben's nickname for me. 'Newbie'

"Listen here, newb, I ever catch you out after dark again I will fricken kill you myself, do you hear me!"

"Loud and clear!" I say with the utmost sarcasm. In spite of him saving my life, Ben is a real tool.

In the room that I sleep in there is a full length mirror. Now that I think about it I don't even remember what I look like. I stand up carefully and painfully, due to my sore leg, and I go to the mirror. I have dirty blonde hair that swoops down just above the line of my eyes, just long enough to cover my forehead. My eyes are blue and go quite well with my blonde hair. If I had to guess I am around six foot three or so, and I have muscles that when my arms move I can see the slight vein snake down my arm.

Ben and Joe fight for a good ten minutes when finally, I think they are done.

After Ben leaves Joe talks to me, "Get some rest, and be ready bright and early. Just let Ben burn off some steam and he will be fine in the morning. 'Night."

"Goodnight." I reply still confused about what just happened.

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