"hey, why do you get your own room?" she questioned as she barged in. "also that views wicked!" savannah pressed a hand up against the full glass wall and studied the surroundings.

"i know. it's breathtaking." i replied as the dirty blonde spun around and placed yet another white envelope in my hand.

"its today at 5:30pm." savannah informed. "they're going to make you do a fake reaction to the date later on. hey what's this?" she picked up dan's card off the desk and studied it.

"oh no! no! that's nothing!" i exclaimed. i attempted to take the card out of her hand but she, being much taller than me, just held it up in the air as she read it.

"room 309 on the 25th floor? who is this?" she asked skeptically and raised an eyebrow.

"it's...it's my brother!" i lied. "yeah he lives in new york and he came to visit me. please dont tell anyone because we aren't allowed to see family on the show."

"ooooh. can i meet him? is he wicked hot?" savannah said but i had already shoved her out the door, making sure to put the note in my pocket.

"nope. he's busy." i rambled. "and also gay byeeee." by the time i finished saying bye to savannah the door was in her face.


"are you serious? my lawyers will hear about this! this is a murder attempt!" victoria screamed at one of the producers when she got news of what we were doing for the date. all of the other contestants that were participating, including me, were already harnessed and lining up to go onto the roof.

"listen victoria, you're harnessed in and connected to wire. dan's going to be doing it with you too. all you have to do is walk across the tightrope. it's completely safe, i think." the producer explained.

"you think?!" she yelled. "you think?!" she spun on her heels and walked back down the stairs. "im fucking sick of hoes trying to murder me ugh!" she screeched.

everyone laughed the minute she went out of sight. not even a second after the producers began letting girls one at a time out onto the rooftop. none of the girls they were letting out came back in. one time i swore i heard a girl scream.

"you're up hun." said i producer as he pushed me out the door. i gave him a dirty look before turning my attention to the scene in front of me.

i didn't want to move. the rooftop was eighty floors up at least and had no railings. standing in front of a thin wire, harnessed up as well was dan. as soon as he caught my eye my stomach fluttered. my stomach never fluttered. it must be the height.

"hello love." dan greeted as he held out a hand. i anxiously stepped forwards. "don't like heights?"

i gladly accepted his hand and held onto it, tight. "no, i just dont like dying."

dan smacked his lips while gliding a thumb soothingly over my iron grip. "wish i could relate."

i cracked a grin at his statement before responding, "are you ready?"

dan nodded his head as he rested a single foot atop the thin sliver wire, and eventually both feet. he then pulled me over and positioned my two feet in between his own. with one supporting hand wrapped around my back, we were probably as close as physically possible.

"how have we not fallen yet? why are you so good at this?" i questioned dan, being surprised at his balance.

"ive literally done this a million times today." he explained while i stood there clung to him, still too scared to look down. "okay now step on my feet and ill walk for you."

i obliged and as soon as i did dan took a minuscule step. he winced when his foot touched the wire and the full pressure of my feet came upon it. "all my toes are going to be broken by the end of today." dan complained. i rested my chin on his chest in order to look up at him.

"have you fallen yet? like off the wire?" i asked as dan took yet another tiny step but this time he simply gritted his teeth.

"not yet, thankfully." dan began shuffling down the wire at a faster pace which caused my grip around his torso to tighten.

"thankfully?" i repeated. "i thought you were supposed to be my fearless escort across a clothing line a thousand feet in the air?"

"are you kidding?!" dan exclaimed as his voice went up an octave. "im shitting myself right now!"

i jokingly leaned back away from him after his pervious comment. however, then i looked down and decided it would be best to be clinging onto dan so i made a hasty retreat. "what would you do if i pushed you off?" i teased as i lightly placed my hands on his chest to mimic the action.

"i would murder you and your dog." dan answered as he took my hands from off of his chest and wrapped them around him once more.

"i dont have a dog!" i shouted merrily as i quickly jumped off of dan's feet and shoved him, hard. he waved his hands behind him as if he were searching for something to catch himself but it was too late. he dropped a good seven feet down before the wire connected to his harness caught him. dan's eyes were glued shut as his swung above new york city.

"im not looking down. i-im not looking down." he repeated over and over again.

i bursted into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. i could produce any words in between the wheezes. unfortunately, for me anyways, one inhale too big made me off balance and i miss stepped, causing me to drop. i could hear dan's high pitched laugh as i fell. i guess he opened his eyes to see me plummet to my doom. "karma's a bitch." he remarked as i too swung above the crowded city streets.

"you're a bitch." i retorted. i leaned forwards and kicked him just hard enough that it would cause him to swing back and forth even more.

"im a bitch? you're the one who pushed me off!" dan argued but i just rolled my eyes.

"you didn't die, did you?" i asked.

"unfortunately, no." dan responded. "you know, if we actually fell to the ground right now we would die instantly."

"lovely." i stated sarcastically which caused dan to laugh. a yank interrupted our conversation as men began pulling us up from the wife connected to the harnesses.

the second my foot hit the cold cement of the rooftop producers were rushing me away. "bye dan...iel!" i called.

"ill see you later, right?" dan said and i immediately caught on. i nodded my head as one producer shoved me out the door.

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