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Calum and Ashton of course woke up at 6 am on a saturday. They ran into their caregivers room and saw the two sleeping. The two littles climbed onto Michael and Luke's bed then began jumping and giggling.  

"Daddy wake up!" Calum giggles leaning down to poke Michael's cheek. 

"Mmm, Go away." Michael grumbles, slapping away Calum's hand gently. 

"Daddy! Im hungry." Calum pouts.

"Callie you want to help me make breakfast so Ashy and Mikey can sleep?" Luke asks, picking the boy up as he sees Ashton sleepily rub his eyes and curl up next to Michael. 

"I help you LuLu." Calum hums laying his head on Luke's broad shoulders.  

"Ok." Luke smiles gently and closes his bedroom door. 

He carried Calum into the kitchen and set him on the counter. 

"We make Pancakes! They're Ashy's favorite!" Calum smiles and claps his hands excitedly. 

"Ok." Luke smiles. 

He grabs the box of pancake mix and set it down onto the counter along with a bowl. He pus the mix in the bowl and added water also, handing Calum a scraper to mix them together. 

Calum giggled and messily stirred them together. Luke watched fondly as the little continues. 

"All done LuLu." Calum smiles up at him as Luke takes  the bowl and finishes mixing because Calum didn't get it all. 


"Calum be careful please don't spill it." Luke whispers as he pushes open the door to both his and his boyfriends bedroom. 

The two walk into the dimly lighted room and Luke smiles at the curly haired boy that was curled up to Michaels side as Michael's tattooed arm was wrapped tightly around him. He sets down the tray of food that he and the little had made for them all to eat together. He helped Calum set down the two he had and then set Calum on the bed. 

"Daddy, Ashy, Wakey Wakey." Calum whispers and nicely wakes the two, Just like Luke had told him too.   

Michael groans and then rolls over. Calum leans down and kisses his cheek. 

"Morning Petal." Michael smiles and gently wakes up Ashton. 

Michael gently shakes Ashton because he still hadn't awaken. Ashton rolls over and smiles sleepily at Michael. 

"'M sleepy." Ashton mumbles. 

Calum grabs the tray and hands it to Michael and then goes to get Ashton's breakfast. 

"Cal, come with me to get drinks please." Luke smiles and offers his hand to Calum who gladly puts his hands in Luke's much paler one. 

The two walk together to the kitchen and grab two sippy cups along with two glass cups. Luke of course carries the two filled glass cups because he knows that Calum will break them. Calum happily walks into the room just to see Ashton kiss Michael. 

"D-Daddy?" Calum asks, his eyes filling with tears, but instead of waiting for an answer he runs to Luke who was still finishing filling up the cups. 

"LuLu." Calum says and makes grabby hands. 

"Callie? Whats the matter?" Luke asks, setting down the cups and picking up the boy. 

"Ashy take Daddy! You take Ashy first an now Ashy take Daddy!" Calum cries, gently gripping Luke's band shirt. 

"Baby, calm down. Ill go talk to them, were going to figure this out. Just go watch Octonauts until I get back." Luke says offering the tearful boy a small smile. 

Luke walks up to the room to talk to the two. He sees them sitting on the bed, Ashton's eyes filled with tears and Michael running a comforting hand up and down Ashton's back. 

"I didn't mean to make Callie cry." Ashton whispers to Michael before Luke interrupts them. 

"I'm not against you two at all or all of us being together for that matter but we need to go talk to Calum because both of you really upset him." Luke says and walks away. 

Michael and Aston both head down to the living room where they know the two were waiting for them. 

Michael walks in and he immediately feels bad when seeing his baby with tears running down his cheeks. 

He rushes over to him and takes him out of Luke's arms, before smiling gratefully at him. 

"Petal, calm down. It's okay. Ashton isn't taking me away and I want to talk to you ok?" Michael says and smiles small when seeing Calum look up. 

"So Callie, How would you like to be all of our boyfriends?" Michael says making Calums eyes blow wide.

So... Finally an update? 

I hope it was ok and not to much dialog like Lilac said there was. 

Were working on starting a new book called Midnight, so we'll hopefully be able to keep up with that. 


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