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Ok this is just a bio chapter.

Name: (y/n) (l/n)
Age: 18
Race: Human
Weapon: Katana called White lotus. Blade infused with lightning dust. (Doesn't transform into anything just a plain Katana but has a high frequency blade.)
Semblance: instant transmission. (Can only move short distances.)
Appearance: white jacket with gold trim and hood has a light blue bandana tied around right arm near shoulder, (f/c) shirt underneath, (Sf/c) pants, and black boots, black fingerless gloves that are weighted, special braces around each leg that are weights as well, wears a wolf head necklace around neck.
Abilities: Excellent natural speed, capable of splitting bullets with a single swing, can produce after images with speed. Capable of taking several combatants at once.
Background: Trained in the art of sword fighting from the age of 4 in his home village of Mirrakawii in Mistral. Grandson of the village leader. Has slight attitude.

Well that's all. First chapter should be up either today or tomorrow.

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