Shipping! (Yes tis a chap)

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Fallacy's P.O.V
As I was leading Encre to a certain room, we passed through many halls and also maids. Every time we encountered a group or even just one of them they would stare or whisper things to each other. Every single time I gave them a glare they would go back to work immediately and leave the halls almost running. I could tell Encre was confused as to why they where whisper things but I just kept quiet. I knew exactly what they where saying. They were saying that I've fallen for this mortal. What they said made me blush a slight yellow.

Suave's P.O.V
After I left Jasper's room I was doing my work around the castle. Of course I was mentally slapping myself across my face for even doing that. "Sigh, I'm so dead if Lord Fallacy finds out." I mumbled to myself. I walked to another part of the castle to make sure everything was complete or finished. While walking I was about to turn the corner but stopped once I heard a group of maids talking. "Awww, I think Lord Fallacy and Encre are perfect for each other!" Fibi signed. "You think? Sorry but you're wrong. I know that they are perfect for each other." Gazelle corrected "So you guys have seen them too! I ship them so much right now!" Bunny exclaimed. 'What? Encre and Lord Fallacy? Interesting...' I walked the corner and went to the maids. "Alright, what's this about a "ship" of Lord Fallacy and Encre?" I asked. "..........." I was answered with silence. "Come on just say it." I said impatiently. "Well have you seen Lord Fallacy and Encre?" Fibi signed. "No I haven't. Why?" I questioned. "Well you see- they are holding hands!!!" Fibi started while bunny continued. "Okay...." I said. I started to walk away until I heard Gazelle say, "Lets spy on them!" I turned to face the group of maids who where now nodding. "What!?" I asked surprised. "You all do know there are consequences to eavesdropping on Lord Fallacy and let alone when he is..... he is...." I couldn't think of what he could be doing with our guest so I had no choice. "Yeah we should spy on them." I said agreeing with Gazelle. They all looked at me with a "Did he just say that" look. "Yes curiosity got the best of me. Let's go find them first." I said. "Alright, Gazelle you check the West side of the castle, Fibi you check East, Bunny you'll look around the South and I'll take care of the North." I said. We all went our separate ways to check what Lord Fallacy and Encre doing.

Encre's P.O.V
Fallacy lead me through many halls and we passed many rooms. To be honest I never even realized how big this castle was until now. "Here we are." Fallacy said as he stopped in front of a door that was like any other door. "What's in there?" I asked looking up at Fallacy. "Open it and you'll see." He responded. I turn to look at the door and I placed my hand on the doorknob. I turned it and the door opened revealing a small room with many empty canvases, paints, brushes, and anything else that had to do with art. I was astonished. My eyes widened at this sight. It was beautiful. I looked back at Fallacy and said, "It's amazing!" I was at a loss for words. Nothing could describe how happy I was. "Glad you like it." He said with a smile. "You can come here anytime you'd like." "Thank you!" I said again. I just couldn't stop saying thank you. I walked over to one of the easels and grabbed an empty carvas. I didn't care that it was night I just wanted to paint. To be honest I didn't know what I was painting I just did. I let my instincts take control of what I was doing.

Fallacy's P.O.V
As Encre was painting I couldn't help but blush a bit. He looked so cute when he was smiling. ...... wait did I just say he looked cute...... am I.... falling in love..... again....?

Fibi's P.O.V
'I found them!' I thougt. I mentally jumped up and down in pure happiness. If Lord Fallacy were to see me then I would probably be punished. That's besides the point. While I was watching them I noticed that Lord Fallacy was blushing a lot! Encre was just painting unfortunately. But maybe Lord Fallacy has feelings for Encre! Yes! OTP! I need to tell this to the others! I tiptoe away from the room as quietly as I could. Then when I was a bit far away I started running back to where all the maids and Suave were waiting. I couldn't control my excitement so when everyone got there I literally just signed gibberish like 'ITherenowaybutyesshiplordfallacyandyesandalsotoogoodtobetruemaybedreamivebeengiventhebeetgifthsjakjcdj-' "We can't understand......" They all said in unison. I breathe in a gulp of air to calm my mind from exploring and so I could sign properly. 'Lord Fallacy is showing Encre around and they went to the art room. Apparently Encre is an artist so he loved it and Encre was all 'yay!' But I promise you.... Cross my heart that.....' I let the suspense last just a littllllllleeeeee longer but then I got yelled at but all of them saying the same thing, "WHAT HAPPENED?!?!" I put my finger to my mouth in a 'shh' way so the others wouldn't know what we were up too. 'Okay. I saw for a split second.... Lord Fallacy blush yellow.'
I still alive peeps.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Sep 04, 2017 ⏰

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