The Vampire King

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Encre's P.O.V
Suave said that the castle should be near here but Charlos never mentioned any castle. "Charlos, what is this castle that you speak of?" I asked with couriousity. "Well, the castle is where King Fallacy lives. He is the king of all vampires because of he strength, speed, knowledge, and anything else you could think of. His father was the same as well which is why everyone admires Lord Fallacy and his father." Charlos explained. "Yes, once Lord Jasper is old enough he will be king." Suave added while carrying a sleeping Jasper. "Yeah, your boyfriend will be king Suave so that might make you the queen/king." Charlos stated. "Charlos why did you have to say that?!" Suave exclaimed. "So Jasper really is someone important to you." I said. Suave blushed while saying, "Lets keep walking please." We walked for like maybe 3 more minutes and we arrived at a castle. 'He wasn't kidding when he said a castle' I thought. Charlos opened the door and we inside to be greeted by a maid that had short hair and squinted eyes.

"Fibi could you please tell Lord Fallacy that Jasper and Charlos are back?" Suave asked her

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"Fibi could you please tell Lord Fallacy that Jasper and Charlos are back?" Suave asked her. "Of course." Fibi signed. Fibi soon left while Suave said, " I'll take Lord Jasper to his room. Encre, could you please explain what happened to Lord Fallacy?" "Sure." I said while Suave left with Jasper in his arms. "Charlos, you're going to have to tell him what happened the night you were attacking in the village." I said. "So you two attacked the near by village?" I heard a deep voice say. I turned around and it was a black skeleton with weird but pretty blue markings at the surrounding his eyes. Maybe he's the king since he was wearing a cape and a fancy outfit that stands out from the rest.

(I got lazy)"L-lord Fallacy! I ummm I would live to stay and talk but I have to ummm, to help Suave with Lord Jasper! See you around!" Charlos said

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(I got lazy)
"L-lord Fallacy! I ummm I would live to stay and talk but I have to ummm, to help Suave with Lord Jasper! See you around!" Charlos said. 'Don't leave me with the vampire king!!" I yelled in my head as I watched Charlos run off in the direction Suave headed. 'Oh non' I thought (oh no). I gulped. 'It's bad enough that he is the king of vampires' I thought. "Sigh, and who might you be?" He asked with a stern voice. "I-im Encre." I stuttered. "What is a mortal doing in the forest at this hour?" He asked. "O-oh ummm, well you see I was just here to make sure Jasper made it back home safe. Since he's back I'll take my leave!" I said a bit nervous from his tone of voice. He sounded scary. I turned around to leave out the door so I wouldn't be a bother. I was about to put my hand on the doorknob to leave until I felt a hand on my shoulder. "You shouldn't go yet. Many vampires are outside looking for someone to eat. You should wait until morning to leave. You can stay in one of the rooms for the time being." He said. I turned around to face him. "O-oh. Thank you." I said shyly. "Do you know what happened?" He asked. "Yes but I only what I've been told by Charlos and what happened today. I don't know the whole story about the day of the attack on the village." I said. "Please do tell." He said. I explained everything that had happened from yesterday to this minute. "Sigh. Those two will be in trouble. Come along. I'll show you to your room." He said. I followed him and on the way there he said, "I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Fallacy. King of Vampires." "I'm Encre. I used to be a worker of King Asgore." I introduced myself. "It must have been hard going against your own king to help Jasper." "Oh it's alright. I just don't think vampires should be treated that way. Humans and mosters kill in order to eat and so do vampires. I guess they are just scared since vampires kill their kind." I responded. He just stayed quiet. Did I say something wrong?

Fallacy's P.O.V
'Does Encre really think that vampires should be shown mercy? After all we've done to his kind' I thought. I smiled knowing that this mortal was different from the rest. He acts with reason and kindness. Once we arrived at his room I made my smile disappear(?) and said, "This is where you'll stay." "Thank you." He said with a smile and entered his room. I walked to Jasper's room to see if he's okay. When I arrived I knocked on his door and heard a faint come in. I walked in to see Suave finishing wrapping up the bandages on Jasper's arm. "H-Hello father." Jasper managed to say. "Don't say anything. Tomorrow you have to tell me what happened on the night you and Charlos went hunting." I said with no emotion. I was really worried about Jasper's state but I can't afford to show it. If anything, this is my way of telling him to get rest and not waste his energy on talking. I walked out of Jasper's room and went to my own room to get some rest.

Suave's P.O.V
Once Lord Fallacy left the room Charlos flew down from the ceiling. "That was close." He said. I looked at him a bit ticked off. "Charlos next time you and Lord Jasper go hunting be careful. This goes to you especially Lord Jasper. Just look at the amount of blood you've lost no mentioning the bruises Eterna left." "I'm sorry." Jasper said. I sighed knowing I couldn't be mad at him. "Its okay just be careful next time." I said. "Thanks Suave." He said. I smiled. "Awww, don't worry. I'll let you two be all lovey dovey for as long as you want." Charlos said. Jasper and I both blushed. At that moment Fibi walked in. 'Revenge' I thought. "Hey Fibi could you take Charlos with You? He said he missed you the days he was gone so maybe you two could talk." I said with a smirk. "I DID NOT SAY THAT!" Charlos yelled with his whole face covered in blush. "Keep the noise down. Lord Fallacy might get anger. Charlos you are coming with me. You still have many things you need to attend to because of the days you where gone. I already organized all of the papers with the important ones first and the non-important ones last." Fibi signed. She grabbed Charlos' hand and started walking out of the room. I chuckled along with Jasper while Charlos mouths 'I'll get you next time!' Once he was gone I looked at Jasper and asked, "Is there anything else you need m'lord?" "No, I'm okay Suave thank you." He answered. "Okay, sweet dreams Lord Jasper." I said as I kissed his forehead. I walked out of the room and thought, 'What did I just do!?!' I knew I was just a butler but I really cared for Jasper. I pushed my thoughts away and smiled knowing Jasper was safe.
I'm sorry!! Please forgive me for taking so long!

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