Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"Dreams and Reality"

Mia's POV:

Last night I must truly say, was magical. Driving down Sunset Boulevard with my brother, I just can't describe the feeling. Being surrounded by all those light and the people. The vibes of living so close to a place like this feels amazing. Ell was right. When I closed my eyes, I imagined myself taping a music video on this street. Being an amazing singer and thousands of people gathering around to listen and cheer. I could clearly see myself performing an original song, looking upon the screaming crowd, leaning down to extend my hand to one of my fan's hands, and my proud brother, mom, and dad sitting in the front. Tearing up. I would dedicate one of my emotional songs to my brother, for sticking with me as my best friend. And in that moment, that's when it all hit me. I was going to stop at nothing to get to that place. I was going to be a performer, a singer, an actor, whatever. I just wanted to get on stage and sing my heart out.

"So?" Ell interrupted my magical thoughts.

"I wanna be just like you," I admitted.

"I know you will," Ell said with a smile. I fell asleep that night with those thoughts rushing through me, but mostly that one thing Ell said to me, "I know you will". I was not going to fail.


The next morning I woke at 4:45 in the morning. I couldn't sleep thinking about what it was like to be famous, so I just got up and grabbed a banana to eat and sat outside. In silence. In peace.

"I didn't know you were up so early." Dad walked up to me from behind after about 15 minutes of solitude. He was only dressed in his robe.

"You scared me." I said.

"Sorry." Dad replied and sat right next to me with his cup of coffee.

"So, how are things?" He asked. When he asked that, I was immediately faced with reality. Ell was going to leave in four days.

"Ehh..." I made a face.

"Is it about your brother leaving?" I nodded my head.

"Well, I've gotta be honest with ya, he's probably going to be leaving more often. R5 is becoming so big that they are going to be on tour all the time for shows and I know it's going to be hard for the first couple times, but after a while, you're just going to get used to it. I promise." Dad explained and said with a slight smile.

"I know," I sighed.

Dad patted me on my back, "You know I'm always here for ya kiddo."

"Thanks dad," I said.

"No problem sweetie." He leaned over, kissed my forehead, and walked back inside. I continued to just sit outside. No matter how much he will be gone, I'm still going to miss him. But dad was right in a way. I probably would get over it, but the thought seemed impossible. I decided to head back inside after a while of thinking. By that time, everybody was awake and mom was making oatmeal.

"Eww. I hate oatmeal."

"Well, you might as well eat something healthy before you eat a bunch of junk food at the Lynch's SuperBowl party."

"I already had a banana..." I mumbled and sat down at the table.

"Good morning," Ell yawned.

"Good morning."

"Did you sleep ok?"


"Are excited for the Broncos victory tonight?!"

"Heck yeah!" I high fived him.

"Hey you never know, the Seahawks just might make it." Dad said.

"Nobody asked for your opinion dad." Ell said

"That's right you can't mess with us Bronco fans!" I bragged. We all laughed.

"Hey I have an old Broncos jersey that you can wear tonight if you want to." Ell nudged me.

"Ok thanks." After we were finished with our oatmeal, Ell gave me his old jersey. It was a little bit too big but I was still able to wear it. I took it and put it on my bed to wear it for later tonight. I looked through my dresser to see if I had some clean pants to wear with the jersey until Ell knocked on my door.

"Come in!" I yelled still sifting through all the clothes I had.

"Hey I'm leaving to go help the Lynches decorate for the party tonight. Wanna come?"

"Nah I'm good."

"Are you sure? I heard Alyssa was going to be there too..."

"She is?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't she be?"

"Haha I know right," I laughed.

"Okay, I'm leaving in 5 minutes so you have time to get ready."

"Alrightie." I said in a cheery voice. Ell left and closed the door. I found some skinny jeans I hadn't worn in a while that still fit to my surprise, so I through them on along with Ell's old jersey and tied the side of it with an elastic band and tucked the tail inside my jeans. Lastly I put my hair up in a ponytail with some loose strands of hair hanging down in my face.

"Perfect," I muttered to myself looking into a mirror then smiling.

"Mia are you ready?" Ell yelled up to me.

"Yep!" I ran down stairs.

"See you later sweetie." Mom kissed me on my forehead.

"Bye mom." I hopped into Ell's car, and drove off to the Lynches once again.

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