Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"SuperBowl at the Lynch's"

Mia's POV:

I watched all the familiar surroundings rush pass me as we drove to the Lynch's house. The whole time, my mind was occupied by the trees rushing by my face. And I looked over at Ell. This was one of the last time he was going to be driving me places for a while.

"Ell, will you send me pictures?"

"Pictures of what?"

"Of the world. I wanna see what it looks like."

"Of course." Ell said with a smile.

We finally arrived at the Lynches house and question popped up in my mind.

"Why are we helping the Lynches get ready for their party? I thought it was just our family and their's." I asked getting out of the car.

"Actually this year we are going to have a few more people."

"Oh who?"

"Remember Rocky's girlfriend Alexa? Her and her family are coming and so are The Hudsons."


"Yeah, Alexa is not coming on world tour because she's helping out meet and greets at Demi Lavato's tour so she's coming to see Rocky before we leave."

"Oh are the Hudsons going on tour with you again?


I remember meeting Alexa for the first time. It was after the Loud music video was taken. I knew Rocky was hitting it off with her but they weren't dating yet. Later on I heard they were dating but I really hadn't gotten to know Alexa at all. Same thing with the Hudsons. I knew Brandon, Savannah, Raynah, and Sierrah but I hadn't really gotten to know them so well which was really disappointing. That's the thing about being me. I know nothing about things that has to do with R5. I don't know what the R5 family thinks about them. It sucks, but hopefully I will be able to talk with them more often.

Ell and I walked up to the door and knocked.

"Guys! The pizza man and his sister showed up!" Rocky yelled back.

"Pizza man?" I asked.

"Yeah it's our inside joke." Ell walked in front of me. "Where have you been? Pfft..." He sassed off with Rocky inside the house. I rolled my eyes. I walked inside and into the kitchen where Stormie was wiping of the tables.

"OH HELLO MIA! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Stormie came up and surrounded me with a hug.

"Great! Do you know where Alyssa is?"

"Umm..." She trailed off for a second. "The last time I checked I sent Ross to get some table mats in the garage so they must be messing around in there."

"Ross getting distracted again?" I smirked.

"Probably," Stormie laughed. "Why don't you check on them will you please? They need to get back to work."

"Sure." I made my way towards the garage and I could hear them having a sing off.

"Oh typical Rolyssa," I thought. Yes, I made up a ship name for them. Got a problem?

"Umm hello?" I opened the door to the garage slightly.

Ross jumped, being nearest to the door, and shielded Alyssa. He grabbed a stick near him and held it out like a sword.

"Don't worry! I will protect you from whatever beast lies before the door, my princess!" he said in an European accent. Alyssa giggled.

"Ross it's just Mia. You can come in!" she yelled to me.

"Pfft... Yeah I knew that..." Ross dropped the stick and tried act cool.

"No I was just joking..." he mumbled.

"Umm... You're mom wants you guys to get a table mat..."

"Oh that's why we're in here!" Ross exclaimed. He walked over to one of the cabinets, grabbed a orange plastic mat and threw it to me.

"Anyway, where was I," he walked back over to Alyssa.

"You were singing Classic and trying to be better then me which is obviously impossible because I'm ten times better than you." Alyssa said.

"Yeah, we'll see about that..."

"Umm... Not to interrupt you guys but your mom didn't want you messing around in here and actually help everyone else." Ross glared at me.

"I guess I'll have to prove you wrong later." He kissed Alyssa on the cheek. "You can have your girl time with Mia now." Alyssa rolled her eyes at Ross. And walked towards me.

"Hey Mia what's up?"

"Not much... You?"

"I'm fine." She said in a cheery voice.

"Okay. So what were you guys talking about with that little sing off you had with Ross?"

"Oh yeah, I totally kicked his ass at that."

"Wow that's a first. Cursing in front of me.."

"Well that's just how epic our sing off was." She laughed.

"I bet..."

"Yep..." We walked into the kitchen where Stormie was setting out chips and salsa.

"Oh hey guys! Could you do me a favor?"

"Sure," Alyssa said. She handed her a list.

"Could you get these things for me the grocery store? That would be such a great help." Stormie asked and handed her money.

"Of course! I'll go check with mom to see if I can take her car. Mia do you wanna come with me?" Alyssa asked.


"K c'mon." She waved me to go outside and walk across the street with her. I waited outside the door while Alyssa went inside to make sure she take her mom's car to go to the grocery store. Alyssa came back out and jingled her keys in front of me.


"Yep!" I hopped into the front seat of the car.

"So what does the list say?" Alyssa started driving. I picked it up and read it off to her.

"Humus, pita chips, solo cups, napkins, plates, and orange and blue ribbon."

"Oh Stormie, always wanting to out do herself." Alyssa and I laughed. We pulled up to the grocery store and hopped out of the car.

"Okay, I'll get the solo cups, napkins, and plates and you get the food and ribbon. We'll meet at register 4. Got it?"

"Got it." We split up. I was able to find the humus and pita chips pretty quickly but I had to go all the way to the back of the store to get the ribbon. I finally found a wall of ribbon and looked through it. I spotted a roll orange of navy ribbon. I grabbed the orange roll but I just couldn't reach the navy roll because it was up so high.

"Need help with that?" I heard a familiar voice. A hand reached up and grabbed the navy roll.

"Here you go." I smiled.

A/N: Ooh! Cliffhanger! I love those! So if you have gotten this far in the update, someone should give you an award cuz that's awesome.👍 Keep being fantastic amazing readers!☺💕 As always, follow me on Twitter @thats0sierra and keep on voting for more chapters! I love you guys!


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