Chapter 4

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Hey guys! I hope you are enjoying this! So I am going to do a lot of "flashbacks" so just be sure to look to see if it says *Flashback* at the beginning of the chapter like this one. As always, follow me on Twitter @thats0sierra and enjoy this chapter! Love you all!🙈💕


Chapter 4

"Mia Jacqueline Ratliff"

Ratliff's POV:

*Flashback: 2000*

I came back off the school bus and walked into my house to find my parents sitting at the table talking. By the look of their faces when I came in, they looked like they were happy with a mix of seriousness. I couldn't exactly tell what they were talking about.

"Ellington why don't you drop your back-pack off in your room and come sit down with us," my mom said.

My heart started to pound out of my chest. Was I in trouble? Dang it, I knew I shouldn't of brought my GameBoy to school! Oh shoot, I'm in trouble. I ran up stairs to my room, un-zipped my back-pack, and hid my GameBoy under my bed. I ran back down stairs. Haha mom and dad! You have no proof that I took it to school!

I sat next to my mom and dad who looked at each other and smiled.

"So we both know how much you want a sibling," my dad started. I gasped.

"I'm going to have a little brother?!" I exclaimed.

"Well, we don't know yet if its a boy but we are adopting a baby that was dropped off at the adoption center a couple days ago."

"Why? Where are the parents?" I asked curiously. Mom and dad looked at each other again.

"Well," mom sighed. "Some little kids get abandoned by their parents at a young age because they don't want them."

"They don't love them?" I asked. Mom shook her head sadly.

"But we love you and we are going to love the new baby that will come into our lives," mom and dad hugged me.

"Group hug!" Dad yelled.

"But it's not a group hug until the new baby comes. When is "it" coming?" I asked.

"Probably tomorrow after you get back from school."

"Yay! I'm going to have a little brother or sister!"

"Or alien monster. We will never know." Dad joked.

"No wonder no one wanted the baby if its an alien monster!" I laughed.

"George! " mom scolded.

"Sorry hun." Dad said.


*one day later*

The next day, I told basically the whole second grade that my family was adopting a baby. Everybody wanted to know if the baby was a boy or girl and so did I. So I had everyone in my grade write down boys and girls names they liked. The first most popular name was going to be the baby's name. The second most popular name was going to be the baby's middle name. After a long day at school, I finally got on the bus with all of the names on both of both the boys and girls list and counted it up. I finally figured out what I was going to name the baby if it was a boy or girl. The bus dropped me off in front of my house and I ran all the way to the door and through the house. I noticed that mom and dad had my old crib out so I knew the baby was here! I ran into the living room where mom and dad were sitting right next to each other. My mom was holding the baby in her arms. I slowly walked over to her. Mom looked up and motioned for me to sit next to her.

"Do you want to hold her?" Mom asked. I nodded my head. She slowly moved the baby into my lap so she wouldn't wake up.

"So it's a girl?" I asked. Mom nodded her head.

"I have a name for her," I mentioned as mom handed me the baby.

"Well, we thought you would have a good name to give her." Mom smiled. I looked down at the paper I had on the couch. The first name on the girls lost was Mia. The second name was Jacqueline.

I looked down at the baby. Her face was so small and tan. She looked so comfortable napping with the little smirk on her face.

"I want to name her Mia Jacqueline. Mia Jacqueline Ratliff," I said

"I love that name." Mom said.

"Welcome to the Ratliff family, Mia." I said in a soft high pitched voice. At that moment, Mia opened her eyes for the first time and gave a little smile. I knew that she was special from that moment on...

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