Chapter 6

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Hey guys! So someone requested for longer chapters and this one is REALLY long. WARNING: CONTENT IS VERY EMOTIONAL AND MAY CAUSE KELLINGTON FEELS. As always, follow me on Twitter @thats0sierra and enjoy.💕


Chapter 6

"The Break Up"

Mia's POV:

*Flashback: November 2012*

I hopped off the bus from school and walked inside, expecting to see Ell in the kitchen snacking on something like he always did. But he wasn't there. It was just mom. He probably was at the Lynches house but I asked where he was anyway.

"I think Kelly and him are on a date or something. She called saying that she wanted to talk to him." Mom answered.

"Oh okay..." That was odd. Usually Ell and Kelly hung out over the weekends when he had nothing going on. I dropped my backpack and binder on the ground and sat down at the kitchen table. My mom usually gets me carrots with humus and apples, the best snack in the world, before I do my homework. All of a sudden, the door opened and Ell walked in.

"Hey Ell!" I said cheerfully. He glanced over at me for a split second. His eyes were red from crying. My heart sank. He continued to run up the stairs.

"Ell? Are you okay?" I followed behind him.

"I don't wanna talk," we waved me back, slammed the door shut and locked it. I could here him flip on his bed and sighed heavily.

"Ell?" I said worriedly, "Please let me in." He didn't respond.

"Ellington Lee Ratliff, please. Can we just talk?" I asked desperately. After a few seconds, I heard the door unlock and he opened it. "Come in," he said. I hesitated but walked in and sat down on a chair by his desk. There was a pause of silence in the room with uncomfortable vibrations. I had a feeling I knew what Ell was going to say.


"We broke up." Ell said appruptly. He looked up at me. I was in shock.


"Things were just becoming too much. Kelly's moving away to Wisconsin for college..." There was a long pause, "and," he said with hesitation, "R5 is getting bigger..." Ell said under his breath.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"It gets hard to keep up a relationship when your traveling all the time," Ell explained.

"But love knows no distance." I said. Ell sighed.

"Listen to don't tell me that, she's the one that broke up with me."

"What?" I said in utter disbelief. "B-b-but what about everything?"

"What about what?"

"Everything you guys went through? You guys always hung out, went to movies, restaurants, even prom. I-"

"Well you know what? It's all over now so let's just forget it." Ell said. "You should go and get your homework." I nodded and trudged my way out of the room. I still couldn't believe they broke up.

I walked down stairs still in disbelief in what had just happened. I grabbed my snack and other stuff and started my way to my room when mom came by.

"Hey, why the gloomy face?"

"Ell and Kelly broke up." Immediately mom's face lit up (not in a good way) when I uttered out that sentence.


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