Just Friends (Cameron Dallas)

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       Mixed Signals. That's all I get. It doesn't make any sense to me, like seriously? It just needs to stop! I don't get why, maybe it's to tease me or something but, i'm getting sick of it. It's not like he actually likes me, if he did, he would've said something by now. It may not be a big deal to him, but it is for me. No one understands.


I'm a boy.

Here's how it goes....

i'm going to flirt with you, then dis you,

I'll send you mixed messages, hit on your friends,

lie to you.

Then I will lead you on so you fall for me.

I'll make you happy for a day, but tomorrow, i'll completely ignore you.

You'll be the one I turn to when I need a friend, or a confidence boost.

Know, what the best part is? You can't do anything about it, Because you love me.

And you don't want to lose me. Ha.

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