Chapter 16

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As some of the guys were having fun and playing slots in the Casino, Erika, Tessa, Rosalinda, Ivan, Emilio, Jake, Chance, Kade, and I were all outside on the back patio. The bright Vegas lights seeming like they were trying to outdo each other. Just getting brighter and brighter as you looked down the road.

"Hey Natalia." I heard from my right. I looked over and Kade was standing next to me, leaning over the edge. "Hey Uncle Kade." I replied, earning a sly smile from him.

"Everyone I have to make an announcement!" I heard Jake say. He was standing on a chair and making the slightest bit of noise as he tapped a spoon against an empty wine glass. Where he got those materials from, I don't know.

I looked over at Kade, a smirk was visible on his features. He knows what Jake is going to say, and this could either be good or bad. Jake hopped down from the chair, and pulled something out of his pocket. Ivan came over to me, Emilio traveled to Rosalinda, and Chance walked over to Tessa. I'm so confused on what is about to happen.

As if they rehearsed it, they all got down on their right knee and pulled a ring pop out of their pocket. I wonder what flavor it is...

As Chance and Jake said 'will you marry me' the twins spoke to Rosalinda and I saying 'te casarias conmigo'. The Spanish version of 'will you marry me'.

"Yes." I laughed out. This is completely random, and it caught me by surprise. I didn't expect to get 'married' at such a young age. Ivan gave me the blueberry flavored ring pop, and put it on my ring finger. I might have sneaked two or three licks in.

"We planned for you guys to say yes, the wedding's tomorrow." Jake called out and laughed. Kade was smiling like a madman as he ruffled Jake's hair. "That's my boy!" He said which got a playful glare from Jake. He doesn't really like Logan's 'terms' being shared around the house, since they are in a sort of friendly competition.

"If we're just going to stay out here the whole time, there's no point in being here. Let's go back in and play some poker." I said which got a huge amount of cheers coming from the others.

1 week later... (about a week ago)

"That joyride was so awe-" I began to tell Ivan as Ivan, Erika, Emilio, and I began walking through the doors. I stopped mid-sentence, there were 'be a maverick' posters hanging all over the front wall. Standing on the stairs was the one and only Logan Paul... (dun dun dun!) and Evan.

Sorry I haven't posted, I've had writer's block for quite a bit. I'm back on track now and I'll be updating more frequently. :)

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