"Oh and (F/N) I put my arm on his shoulder so I believe you need to stop with the names now." I say sticking my tongue out.

"Shit, do you really want to make me feel unhappy? Calling you names brings joy to my life." (F/N) pouts.

"Yes (F/N) and you're going to be miserable for a while because we had a deal."

"Yeah yeah, fine, whatever."

Dan's P.O.V
"So, how was it having (Y/N) sit on your lap?" Pj nudges while winking at me.

"Don't make something out of nothing, I can't give my hopes up now." I say

"Dude, she totally has a thing for you. If you don't see that you're blind."

"I don't know, I feel like she thinks I'm too weird or awkward. I just don't think she has a thing for me."

"If you won't take her I will, so you better hurry up and get on that train."

I punch Pj in the arm.

"Hey, hey, I'm kidding. But seriously, make a move before she's gone." Pj says.

"I agree, I've been setting this whole thing up, the least you could do is make a move." Phil says.

"Yeah yeah whatever, we'll see what happens."

Your P.O.V
(F/N) pushes us closer to the boys and we walk beside them.

I see (F/N) and dodie exchange a few glances before talking.

"(Y/N)! You look freezing!" (F/N) says loudly so the boys would hear.

"Why didn't you bring a jacket?" dodie says smiling.

I saw what they were doing. This is why dodie stole my jacket earlier. They were very evil.

I see Pj start taking off his jacket but (F/N) pushes him 'subtlety' so he wouldn't get the chance.

"Here, take my jacket." Dan says taking it off his back.

"No, no, really I'm fine." I reply.

"Really? Because you're shivering. Here." He says putting his Calvin Klein jacket over me that says 'Don't talk to me' on the back.

"Thanks, but aren't you cold?"

"No, I'm fine, don't worry about me." He says with a soft smile.

I see (F/N) and dodie high five beside me. Those cheeky shits. I'm not complaining at all though, they really are great at this.

"Oh, there's the rest of the group!" Phil says as we walk down the path to the beach.

When we see them they're all sat down in the sand either vlogging or talking.

"Hey guys!" Zoe and Tyler say in unison.

We wave and run down to them, sitting on a blanket they had lay out.

It's around 7pm so the sun's starting to go down turning the sky all sorts of colors.

The sky has always been one of my favourite things. It's something to look at when I want to escape. Whenever I feel anxious, stressed out, or sad, I always go to the sky for support, and the sky was especially beautiful here.

All the stars in the sky // Dan Howell X readerWhere stories live. Discover now