Curruption's Wicked Destiny

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The morning air was warm and pleasant. The winds were soft and gentle. Birds flew, adults left for work, and the sun gave a soft glow. Over all it was a great morning. Sitting on a swing on the front porch sat Trinity Attero, asleep, waiting on the bus to bring her to school. Unlike most seniors, Trinity had no car. But that was due to the rules of the orphange she resided in. Trinity had lived there all her life, ever since she was a little baby, only an estimated few weeks old. The care takers that ran the place had told her she was left on the very swing she sat on every morning with a card attached to the blanket that had been wraped around her. All that was written on the card was her name; her given name was Trinity Azrael Attero. And so it was kept.

The bus arrived a few minutes later and honked it horn like it did every morning. The door next to the swing burst open and several teenagers shoved their way out the door. At the back of the mob was Trinity's best friend, Kayleigh Willows. Kayleigh walked out the door when the coast was clear and continued with her daily ritual of waking Trinity out of her morning nap. The bus once again honked its horn, with the impatient bus driver glaring at Trinity's sleeping form.

"Kayleigh get a move on! I have a new stop to pick up after this, your bunch is no longer the last on the list. Hurry!" Called out Dave, the bus driver.

"Gotcha Dave!"

Kayleigh turned back to Trinity, who slept through all the noise, and gave a mischevious smile to the sleeping girl.

"Trinity, wake up, the bus is here. Trinity...TRINITY!" She yelled.

Yet Trinity continued to sleep on.

"Alright girl you asked for it"

Kayleigh opened her messenger bag that contained her school books and other necessary things, amoung them was her fog horn, to only be used for waking Trinity up.

For the third time the bus honked it horn. Seconds later a louder horn sounded and the sleeping girl swatted her arm at an imaginary clock.

" I though I already broke my clock? " Trinity mummbled out in a sleepy voice.

"Nope, you can't break this alarm clock. Now, hurry and get a move on. The bus is here."

With a groan, Trinity got up and began her zombie walk to the bus. Giving Dave the bus driver a glare along the way, which he returned with a vengance.

"Girl your going to have to learn to stay awake once you wake up! I've got other things to do other than waiting on you to wake from your morning naps" ranted Dave.

"Yep, got it Dave." Trinity answered absentmindedly.

With a huff, Dave began the drive to school. When they were a few blocks away from school, the bus came upon a lone person standing at a corner. Dave, upon seeing him, came to an abrupt stop. He opened the doors and adressed the guy.

"Hey, you that new kid starting at Falls High?"

The kid didn't emit a single sound, he simply nodded his head and got on the bus and quickly went and sit down near the end of the bus.

And just like before, they began once again, their ride to school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2010 ⏰

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