Chapter 1•Good Times

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"I won't forget the Good Times."
~Good Times, All Time Low

Tuesday Morning. I really didn't want to get out of bed but I had to.

Like always, I slid out of my bed and on the floor, dressed, and basically did my whole routine. I couldn't stop thinking about how amazing today will be! I'm going to be with Jungkook and Ill be able to hang out with Tiffany, B/F/N, and F/N after school!

After I did my daily morning routine of dressing, eating, and etc., I left the house and I walked to school as usual.

Today was surprisingly hotter than usual but I had a jacket in my locker just in case. Once I got to school, I went to my first period and sat in my amazing table.

Even though I wanted to talk to him, I didn't because I didn't want to seem like one of his fangirls.

Soon class started. "How are everyone's assigned seats?" Mr. Park asked. Everyone either responded with a "good," or "eh," answer. I just responded with an "alright."

"Okay, so today you will read with your shoulder partner and answer some questions." Mr. Park said. I was happy and so I started my work. Jungkook was really nice which was surprising because I thought he would be rude to me for some reason. We finished quickly and then as we finished showing our assignment to Mr. Park, the bell rang.

Later that day...

"10 minutes left and then I'll hang out with my friends!" I thought as I rested my chin on the palm of my hand. It was currently 6th period and this meant I had a class with B/F/N and Jungkook.

"Are you excited for after school B/F/N?" I asked her as she sat in front of me. "Actually I have to help my mom today with chores. I'm so, so sorry Y/N! I'll make it up to you soon!" She responded with. "Oh no, it's fine! I understand!" I said with a smile.

Though I was a little sad, I understood. Her mom does work a lot. I'll probably just hang out with F/N and Tiffany.

I had History with Mrs. Kim right now and this class will end in about 5 minutes now. Soon after I said that, the bell rang so I went to get F/N only because Tiffany just texted me saying she can't hang out either.

'Weird.' I thought to myself. When I got F/N I saw Tiffany and B/F/N together and walking to the exit and the front of the school. F/N and I were actually walking that way instead of the side today since we like changing our paths every other day.

So we hid by crouching on a step of stairs near Tiffany and B/F/N because this was oddly peculiar to us. We actually can hear them loud and clear. And then she yelled out something, "Hey Jungkook!!" I whispered to F/N. "Is she telling him I have a crush?" F/N shrugged and pointed to them so we can keep listening.

"Yeah?" Jungkook asked as he looked very curious at what she would say. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?"

At that moment my heart broke into what felt like an infinite amount of pieces. I was about to fall if he said yes. "Yeah, let's do it." He said and, sure enough, I rolled back forgetting I was on stairs. F/N ran to me like she saw her favorite idol. I was okay actually. I just had some scrapes because we were on a short staircase.

I sat up and started crying. F/N and I walked to my house and I was crying all the way. She was comforting me and she even treated my wound. F/N then texted B/F/N.

I texted B/F/N:

F/N: Are you with Anyone?

B/F/N: No why?

F/N: We need to talk

As I texted that I called her. "Hello?" She asked and I started yelling "Why the hell did you do this?! You know Y/N loves Jungkook! Has the popular title gone into your head?!"

She then started yelling back, "What the hell are you going on about?! I didn't do anything!!" "Don't play innocent with me. You confessed to Jungkook knowing that Y/N loves him." I said in a dead, serious tone.

"Okay, maybe I did, but what's your problem?! It's not like she'll ever be with him." She said and my blood started boiling. "Our friendship is over. Say that to Tiffany too." I said and hung up.

I blocked her and Tiffany and did the same to Y/N's phone. "She really is stupid Y/N. Don't ever listen to her." I told her and she nodded with no emotion. I sighed and was stressed. I felt so bad for Y/N...

What the hell was that? Why was she so mad? I didn't do much. Well, at least I'm with Jungkook now. He seemed so happy! I was happy as well.

As it was reaching night, I was talking to Jungkook and being cheerful. He is an amazing guy, I can see why Y/N likes him. Whatever, I shouldn't care about her now. After all, Im the popular one and I don't need to care for a pest.

I laughed to myself as I switched out of my outfit and into my sleepwear. I eventually fell asleep and thought of amazing dreams.

An hour and I haven't stopped crying. Today was supposed to be amazing, but my own best friend ruined it!

F/N eventually left and when she left, I screamed into my pillow. It was near my bedtime so I cried myself to sleep, thinking of how cruel tomorrow will be.
Le: Thank you all for reading this!! Please leave comments and votes (and more jokes!!)! See you all later!
Update: I decided to change the song/title as I do not think this song goes with this chapter.

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