Prologue • Last Young Renegade

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Le: Trying to find quotations were not easy so this may not be a perfect song for this chapter but please enjoy! Listen to the songs along with the chapters as well!!
"You were the best thing ever happened to me, and I'll keep on fighting just to make you believe."
~Last Young Renegade, All Time Low


I woke up as the alarm on my phone woke me from my beautiful dream. "You ruined my dream with Jungkook," I muttered under my breath. It was 6:30 AM on a Monday and I had to get to school by 8:05 AM or I'm late. So I slowly slid from my comfort zone and onto the cold floor.

I got up and dressed into an F/C sweater with black sweatpants and boots. I checked my phone as it still said it's going to rain. I sighed as I grabbed an umbrella. "Y/N! Come on I made breakfast!" My mom called and the sweet aroma of waffles hit my room. I smiled and rushed downstairs.

"Thanks, Mom," I said and sat down. "You're welcome." She responded with then spoke again, "I'm going to work. Your father and I will be home at 11. Just heat up some leftovers. See you." She kissed my head and then left to her car. I watched as she drove away.

I finished my waffles, so I washed my dishes when I reached the kitchen. I then went and brushed my teeth and hair and then headed downstairs again. I checked the time which was 7:04 AM.

I packed my snack, lunch, umbrella, P.E. clothes, and I wore my coat. I then turned off the lights and closed the curtains. I placed my bag over my shoulders, grabbed the keys, locked the door, and exited my house to the cold and gloomy world.

I checked my phone again and it was 7:12 AM. I walked to school while looking at the time if I needed to. I got to school by 7:31 AM. I turned off my phone and put it on my bag and went to a little group filled with my friends.

"Hello!" I greeted them. "Y/N!!" They exclaimed and hugged me as I hugged back as well.

"We missed you!" Tiffany said. "It's only been a week!" I responded to her. "Yeah, but still!" F/N said. I just giggled.

"We miss you even after the day ends. Texting isn't enough!" B/F/N exclaimed and I smiled.

We chatted for which felt like hours but then the bell rang, signaling students to go to their classes. We said goodbye to each other and left.

I walked to English class with F/N as Tiffany and B/F/N went to the gym. I walked into the well-lit room and went to my table. F/N sat somewhere else sadly. The bell then rang and Mr. Park said we are changing seats.

"Let's see....F/L/N F/N sit in the middle table on the first seat." The middle table had 6 seats. Across from her, Jeon Jungkook." Mr. Park assigned. I mentally sighed. 'Lucky!' I thought but then heard my name. "L/N Y/N, sit next to Jeon Jungkook." I could not believe my ears. I slowly got up and walked to my assigned seat.

A guy named Mark Tuan sat next to F/N. Then a girl named Heather Angel sat next to me. A guy named Jung Taekwoon sat in front of her and Mark was next to him. Heather then immediately started talking to Taekwoon.

I looked at F/N with a look that said 'Oh My God!' She then mouthed, 'Good luck. At least we're in the same table.' I just nodded.

"I wouldn't have done this if you weren't so loud with the sub." Mr. Park explained. He then started talking again, "Please open your textbooks to page 112. We are going to read about Mary Mallon or "Typhoid Mary." These weeks we will read about diseases which will correspond with the novel we will soon read."

The day then went by very quickly. I then started to hear thunder so I took out my umbrella and shielded myself from the water droplets. I rushed home. I closed the umbrella as the door was protected by a roof. I opened the door and quickly locked it. Today was something indeed. I hung my keys on a key holder and then went to my room and I did my homework.

After I finished I texted in the group chat:



Tiffany: What happened?!

F/N: You guys will see.

Y/N: You know Jungkook, my crush right?

B/F/N: what?

Tiffany: Yes?


F/N: Yeah! You should have seen her face!



Y/N: Hehe

After what seemed like an eternity of texting, I went to the kitchen and grabbed some leftover F/F. After finishing that, I brushed my teeth and crawled into bed as it was 10:34. I charged my phone and I slowly fell asleep excited for tomorrow.

B/F/N's POV while texting:

'Jungkook is pretty cute. Y/N you are so lucky!! Wait I'm popular, I can win him over. But I'll just hurt Y/N...' I had thought. If I wanted to be with Jungkook, I would hurt Y/N in the process. I do want to be with him really badly.

Whatever, it's not like Y/N will ever win his heart. I smirked to myself and lied down. 'Tomorrow will be interesting.' I thought as I fell asleep.
Le: Thank You for reading! I hope you enjoyed the prologue. And yes I did do a cliche part XD. I also used a character from my friend. Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!

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