us time

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It's Saturday morning and Daniel woke up at 10:30 to get his part of the project done. Doing very well on time he decided to take a break. He hasn't talked to Woojin today yet so he takes out his phone to text him.

Danik: hey Woojin

Baby bear: hi Hyung

Danik: what's up? Having a good weekend?

He asked as he walked down the stairs to the kitchen to grab some juice. He poured a glass and walked into the living room, relaxing on the couch.

Baby bear: yes! A lot of fun :))

Danik: that's good. What're you doing?

Baby bear: I'm at Kenta hyung's house. I spent the night.

At that he almost spit his drink out. Since when were they close?! Woojin doesn't even spend the night at his house, his favorite hyung! Let alone some new, random friend! Jealousy began to stir in his stomach. How'd they become close without him knowing anyways? Daniel had barely talked to Kenta before, only knowing he smiled a lot and is a president of some club.

Danik: oh. didn't know you guys were friends.
Danik: well have fun! Are you planning on staying long?

Woojin: Kenta hyung has to go somewhere in two hours so we'll probably eat then he'll take me home.

Perfect! Time to make a move.

Danik: no ill pick you up. We can do something fun :)

Baby bear: oh that's nice of you hyung and I love spending time with you but I am so tired! I won't be any fun.

Daniel frowns. He's determined, and won't take no for an answer. His jealous attitude and protectiveness over Woojin strongly showing and not going away.

Danik: Nonsense. You're always fun. I'll pick you up in an hour and a half. Send me his address.

Baby bear: okay hyung! see you soon then

He grins to himself.  I got myself a date with my cutie!

  I got myself a date with my cutie!

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Author's note ~Tiny chapter

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Author's note ~
Tiny chapter. Hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. Please vote and comment.
each chapter is a chapter closer to the chapter where Woojin dances to this sexy song. Any predictions? :)

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