Epilogue: To Forever (Hailey)

Start from the beginning


"Auntie Hail!" I was nearly knocked on my ass by a two year old.

"Hey, sweetheart." I handed the brownies to Mason and picked Oscar up. "How you been?"

"Bien." He wrapped his arms around my neck and buried his face in my shoulder.

"Don't have kids." Sophia said as she closed the door behind us. "They're pains."

"You're not a pain." I told the toddler and sat him down at the coffee table. "Hey, Soph. When are Han and Loverboy coming?"

"Soon." She shrugged and moved to stir the smaller pot. "I hope since dinner is almost done."

"Spaghetti?" Mason peered into the bigger pot. "Has Ollie asked for something other than nuggets?"

"I will shove this up where the Sun don't shine." Sophia threatened him with her wooden spoon.

"Child." I pointed at Oscar who was too busy coloring to pay attention to us.

"Other child." She pointed at Mason as someone knocked. "Stir the pot!"

"Yes, Mom." He shook his head as Sophia answered the door.

I looked down at Oscar when he tugged on my arm to show me his picture. "Nice."

But he ignored me and ran towards the door where Hannah and Johnny were standing.

"I'm on pasta duty." Mason waved at them as he stirred.

"You bet your cute butt you are." Johnny teased Mason, who just flipped him off, as he pulled me into a hug. "Hey, future sister."

"What?" I pulled away and stared at him.

"Mason told me." He whispered in my ear before going back to my sister and picking Oscar up out of her arms. "Hey, little man."

"I think the pasta is done." Mason yelled before turning the burner off.

"Strainer is in the sink already." Sophia rushed into the kitchen and turned the smaller pot off as Mason dumped the pasta into the strainer.

"Food?" Oscar asked us.

"Food." Johnny set the toddler in his high chair before waltzing into the kitchen and spotting my pan. "Brownies?"

"Dinner first." I told him as I got us each a beer. "You should have enough time before driving home, right?"

"Yeah, if anything we stay later." Johnny shrugged as he took a beer from me. "Soph, where are the beer openers?"

"In the drawer next to the stove." Sophia smiled at him as she grabbed plates and forks. "And everyone is getting salad because it's the only way Oscar will eat veggies."

"He's just like you." Hannah teased Sophia from the table. Oscar has a habit of climbing out of his high chair if no one is with him.

"But he will be smarter." She muttered as she dished up food for her son.

"I'll get yours." I told her and grabbed two plates. "Go."

"The best." She gave me a quick side hug before carrying Oscar's plate and sippy cup over to the table. The rest of us quickly got our food and sat down at the table.

"It's been so long since I've had spaghetti." I wiped my mouth with a paper towel before speaking again. "I've been craving it."

Sophia's eyebrows shot up as she glanced from me to Mason. "Craving?"

"Yeah, it came out of nowhere." I was about to take a sip of my beer when Sophia took it from me.

"Uh, Hail is there something you need to tell us?" She asked and I suddenly understood what she was saying.

"I'm not pregnant." I told her and everyone but Oscar started laughing. "I wouldn't be drinking if I thought I was."

"You said craving and we're not in high school, so..." She trailed off as she handed me back my drink.

"Drinking while pregnant?" Johnny leaned back in his chair with his arm laying on the back of Hannah's chair. "That's as stupid as asking your crush to help you get laid."

"Definitely more stupid than asking the school slut to help you with getting to second base." I didn't realize what I said until I made eye contact with Johnny. We both started blushing, and he down his beer while I merely took a sip of mine.

There was a chorus of "What?"s following my words and eyes on the two of us.

"I told you I was a disgusting manwhore when I proposed, Han." Johnny laughed awkwardly.

"Johnny." My sister sighed and rest her hand in her hand.

"Could've done worse." I shrugged until Johnny's words hit my brain. "Wait..."

"You weren't engaged when Hannah went down under." Sophia leaned forward and stared at my twin and Johnny.

"Dude, seriously." Mason threw a piece of lettuce at Johnny causing Oscar to giggle a little.

"Mase, I didn't want to lose her." Johnny threw his hands up in surrender as he defended himself.

"So we both proposed on the same day." Mason shook his head as Hannah and I shared a look.

"I love you, but we are not getting married on the same day." I told her as the boys continued arguing. "I need one thing that is mine."

"Don't care." Sophia waved us all off. "Show me the rings!"


AWWW! This was such a great chapter, wasn't it? All that's left is my epilogue, but we have an exciting announcement after that! 

Hope you guys enjoyed! 

Let us know what you thought! 

~ChasingMadness24 & BriannaVore

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