Monochrome- John x Male!Reader

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John could only imagine what the world was like in color. He could only dream how it'd feel to be able to fully see the world as it was. He heard how beautiful the colors were. Green, blue, red, yellow, the list went on and on. He tried to picture what it'd look like, but it was all in vain. The ones who had found their soulmate attempted to describe the beauty to him, but the words couldn't describe the colors. He saw in monochrome, he thought in monochrome, he dreamed in monochrome, and he lived in it too. Everything was so boring, nothing ever happened. That is... until he met you.

As the days neared, he saw glimpses of colors every now and again. The closer the long awaited day got, the more frequent they became. However, he couldn't figure out just what it was he was seeing until he met you. He thought something was moving out of the corner of his eye, that he was just seeing things that were gone the second he blinked. He was walking down the street the day he met you. He was almost home when he glanced up at the Speedy's Café sign when he thought he saw something once again. He stopped walking, eye brows furrowing as he tried to put his finger on what had just happened. He started to walk again, rubbing his eyes when he ran into someone. He stumbled backwards, catching his balance and catching the other person's upper arm before they fell.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I wasn't- uh, I wasn't paying-" he froze. The second he removed his eyes off the ground to meet your eyes, color blossomed through them. It started subtly, as (e/c) stretched over your irises, the glowing (s/c) lighting up your face. Pink enveloping your agape lips as you admired the colors blooming in your field of vision. His eyes were a sparkling blue, that nearly matched the sky, the sun reflecting off his blonde hair gently. You couldn't speak, to be honest, you couldn't even breathe for that matter. The colors were stunning, but he was just... he was mesmerizing. The look on his face showed pure surprise. He would've never imagined that today would be the day he'd meet his soulmate. He'd be lying to himself if he said he believed he even had one. He thought that if he had one, he would've found it long ago. Yet, here he was, color spreading throughout the world he thought he'd always see in black and white.

"H-hi..." you whispered, finally being able to somewhat find your voice. He nodded in response, eyes still wide with wonder, mouth agape. His cute expression made you smile a bit. This smile seemed to bring him back to earth. He shook his head slightly, a sheepish smile forming on his face as he dropped the hold on your arm. had you not been so caught up in looking in his eyes in amazement, you would've noticed the lack of warmth on your arm.

"S-sorry, again. It's just..." he trailed off.

"The colors?" you ask with a slight laugh. He chuckles slightly, nodding along. However, he shrugs his shoulders lightly, before adding.

"And you..."

Heat rose to your face rapidly. Not only was he a sight for sore eyes, but he was sweet too. The two of you chatted for a while, before deciding to go find as many colors as you could as a first date. As you first began walking together, his warm hand slipped into yours. The sweet color of red found its way to your face once more before you gently squeezed his hand. John had thought he was doomed to a world of black and white until you crashed into his world bringing color and excitement with you, and it was beautiful.


As Sherlock and Mrs. Hudson watch from the window of 221B. Mrs. Hudson grinned, happy for both people. And, even though Sherlock was happy for the both of you, he grimaced.

"I can't believe this..." he muttered. Where'd he go wrong? He took his wallet out of his back pocket, handing half his rent's worth to the older woman. She chuckled happily, feeling smug.

"What'd I tell you?" she teased.

Sherlock shook his head, putting his wallet away.

"I don't know how I missed it, for heaven's sake, I deduce things for a living!" he complains.

Mrs. Hudson laughs at him cheerfully, "Oh hush, dear. So long as he's happy." At this, Sherlock rolls his eyes.

"Easy for you to say. You just won a bet," he growls. As Mrs. Hudson leaves, he puts his head in his hands after sitting down.

Soon afterwards, he yells, "How'd I miss that he's gay!?"

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