Ten Reasons (P.2)- Sherlock

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For the past week, Sherlock had been watching you very closely. It was rather unnerving. Though you enjoyed the attention from the detective, it never failed to surprise you to turn around to find his eyes on you. He talked to you more often, too. You could tell by the slow way he spoke, the way his eyes scanned you, and the way he carefully took in everything you said or did that he was deducing you. That didn't come as much of a surprise. But what made you wonder was why you? And what for? Thus, in return, you deduced him too.

You entered 221B Baker Street quietly only to find Sherlock staring down at a piece of paper with burning hatred clear in his eyes.

"You alright there, Sherlock?" you question curiously. He jumped in his seat, obviously awakening from his mind palace. He cleared his throat, trying to subtlety move the paper from your view.

"Yes... Yes, I'm fine," his deep voice rumbled.

You smile gently, "Okay." He watches you carefully, wondering why he couldn't think of anything to not like about you. He studied you for a week now, and he couldn't find anything he didn't find himself not enjoying anything. Another thing that confused him, was that even after trying to read you, he still couldn't tell if you returned his so called "unrequited love".

John had assured him multiple times that you did return his feelings, but Sherlock needed to be sure. He watched you move around the flat, straightening the place up a bit.

"So, Sherlo-" you begin.

"I'll be heading out. I believe I found another case," he cut you off, grabbing his beloved coat and scarf before rushing out the door. He couldn't stand being in the same room with you without knowing your feelings.

"...Okay then," you mummer to yourself, alone in the now empty flat. You scan the room, hoping you could find something to do so that your visit wasn't such a waste. Then, something caught your eye.

It seemed to be the paper from earlier. You waltzed over to it, picking it up delicately in your hand. Your eyes scan the page. I was blank except for one line.

"Unfavorable Traits in (Y/N)" it read in Sherlock's scrawled handwriting. You weren't sure how to feel about this. It could be a good thing that it was blank, but it could also be that you came in before he could write anything. You sighed to yourself, hoping it would be the latter of the two options. You turn that crisp piece of paper around in your hands, noticing that there was another side. You feel your breath hitch as you read the title of the list. "Admirable Traits in (Y/N)"

Your irises drink in the words off the page. You study each word and letter. It was for sure Sherlock's handwriting. Did he really think all this about you? You ran a slim hand through your (H/L) hair.

"Oh God," you whisper.


You had waited around the flat most of the day just so you could catch Sherlock. He didn't come though. You sighed, grabbing your coat, seeing as it was getting late. You left the meal you cooked for him on the stove with a note reminding him to reheat it. You slip on your gloves, scarf, and coat before closing the flat's door behind you. You pad down the stairs, bidding Mrs. Hudson a goodbye on the way out. She smiled at you in a pitying way, patting your hair.

"He'll come around soon enough, dear," she consoled you.

Just as you had exited, closing the heavy door behind you, Sherlock was about to come up to the door. The gentle snow caught in his curly brown locks. Time seemed to go in slow motion for a moment as your eyes met. The streets were near empty, the snow coming down softly. Without hesitation, the feelings you felt when you read the list swelled within you as you swept down to his lips. You had to lean out over the two step stair case, which luckily wasn't that far, as you cupped his face in your gloved hands. When your lips met his, you smiled. You pulled away not too long afterwards because he wasn't responding.

He stood without breathing like he had a week ago when he figured out he was in love with you. You watched him quizzically, wondering if you did something wrong.

"S-Sherlock?" you ask. Suddenly, you squeak as your picked up by the waist and brought closer to him. You were set on the ground, though his arms didn't move, as he leaned down to your height. Once more, your lips met his. It was the first time in a long while you had felt so complete. When he pulled away, he whispered something your couldn't hear.

"What?" you asked, your breath creating a puff of smoke in the chilly air.

"I love you," he repeated, only slightly louder than a whisper. A smile overtook your face, spreading cheek to cheek.

"I love you too," you announce, going in for another kiss.


The door behind you creaked open, light shining down on the two of you.

"Oh dear!" Mrs. Hudson yelps, "I-I'm sorry! I didn't realize-"

"It's fine Mrs. Hudson," you reassure.

She looks at you two worriedly, "Well come on inside. It's freezing out here! I'll go make you both a cuppa." You giggle at her antics, taking Sherlock by the hand and pulling him inside. You dust the snow off his hair, then continuing to do the same to your own. He leaves you down stairs as you assist Mrs. Hudson with making tea.

"See? I told you he'd come around sometime, love," she whispers with a knowing smile on her face.

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