Gun Safety- Sherlock

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Soft music filled the air of the otherwise quiet household of 221B Baker Street. You had turned the music on, bored and slightly annoyed with the silence around you. John sat in a chair, reading the newspaper, while Sherlock lay in his usual thinking position on the couch. After a moment of fiddling with the radio and finding the correct station, you stood there for a bit. You stared into nothingness with a blank look on our face, worrying a certain doctor. "(Y/n), you alright?" he asked worriedly. Your bored eyes met his concerned ones with a nod. You smiled lightly, "Yes, I'm fine. Just a bit bored is all." You laughed a bit and sat down in a chair. He closed up the newspaper and stretched, his back popping slightly. "Alright, if you say so. I'mma head out for a bit. Do you need anything?" he asked politely as he rose. You shook your head in response, returning his warm smile.

"How about you, Sherlock?" he asked the detective on the couch. Sherlock didn't reply, he just kept mumbling to himself quietly. You and John looked at each other. "Mind palace," you said at the same time. John shook his head slightly as he left towards the door, "Right, then. Keep safe. Sherlock, don't let her get kidnapped." You laughed at this while Sherlock payed no mind to either of you. "See you, John," you said as he started to leave. He bid his goodbye, but as he walked down the hall you could've swore you heard him say something along the lines of, "...We can't let that happen again..." With a roll of your eyes, you went to help Mrs. Hudson downstairs.


You were drinking tea with Mrs. Hudson a while later, when you heard a sharp bang from upstairs. Your eyes widened and you dropped you cup onto the table. "What the bloody hell!?" you yell as you ran upstairs. "Language, (y/n), dear," Mrs. Hudson called after you. You ignored her as you hustled up the stairs, hopping two at a time. You swung open the door to 221B and there lie Sherlock Holmes... in a robe, laying on the couch perfectly fine. He had a gun in his hand and aimed it at the wall. Another bang, and the bullet whizzed pass your head. "SHERLOCK!" you yell as the bullet hits the wall with a thud. "T-that almost hit me," you said with a shaky voice.

"Well, then you shouldn't be standing in the way," a dull voice called out. You turned toward the one and only Sherlock Holmes with one of the deadliest glares the world has ever seen. "What. The. Hell. Are. You. Doing?" you ask, pausing after each word. He looked at you with a blank expression for a while before uttering, "Bored!" and off the gun went once again. You took shelter beside him, watching as he shot at the wall. After spending this much time with Sherlock, this was something to be used to. You didn't even notice the gun hanging in front of your face. You jump a bit when you do notice it and look at him. "Try it," he insisted.

Hesitantly, you took the gun from his grasp and fumbled with it for a bit. You pointed it at the wall before sighing and putting it back down. "What did the wall ever do to me?" you ask innocently. He shrugged. "Plus, I don't think this is very safe," you state as you wearily look at the gun in your hand. Sherlock stood up with a flourish, making you jump. "Who cares about gun safety, (y/n)!" he exclaimed, "If guns were safe, there wouldn't be so many dead people in the world!" He had a point... and it's not like anyone was in danger at the moment. Shrugging, you aim the gun at the wall, "Fuck it."



John runs upstairs with his hands over his ear. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" he yelled. Expecting to find Sherlock on the couch, he found you both sitting on the couch, taking turns with the gun. "Oh, hi John. Lovely evening, isn't it?" you ask when you notice him. You pause from shooting the bloody wall that had it coming, and await his answer. He sighs tiredly, and pinches his nose. "Bloody idiots," he mumbles as he walks away.

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