Cookies- Sherlock

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You were sitting in 221B Baker Street. Why? Because you were a good friend of John's. Sherlock didn't like you much, and you couldn't stand it! You were the kind of person everyone loved, so you had tried to get him to be your friend since you figured out he didn't like you... Which wasn't very hard to find out. You had moved here from America about a year ago to visit your friend Mary. There, you had met John and Sherlock. They were lovely people, who you liked from the start. So that's why you're here. Sitting alone in 221B Baker Street.

Sherlock and John were out on a case, which you didn't know until you were already here with a snack you had made them because they had been working so hard lately; and because you're just that kind of person. You called John, about to tell him you dropped off the snacks, but he told you to let yourself in. You had already been here for half an hour and nearly bored to death. So, you decided to make them tea to go with the cookies you made them. You had just started the tea when a deep voice behind you said, "What are you doing?" You jumped a bit and let out a small yelp. Turning around you saw the one and only Sherlock Holmes. You let sighed in relief and told him what you were doing. "Well that's very nice of you, but you can leave now," he said immediately.

"Fine, fine. If you want me gone so much." You said grabbing your coat and heading toward the door when something seemed off. "Where's John?" you ask, turning towards the detective. He sighs, "Out somewhere with Mary. Are we done?"

No, you wanted to say. Why do you hate me so much? you wanted to scream. "Yes, the cookies I made are on the sofa, by the way," you said tiredly. He hummed in reply as you started to walk towards the door. "Is that all, (y/n)?" he asked, smirking. You should've know he would see right through your calm demeanor. You take a deep breath. "I believe so," you tell him calmly without turning to look at him. You began to walk towards the door again. "Are you sure there's nothing else, (y/n)?" he deep voice teased. You froze in the doorway. Staring straight ahead blankly, you thought about you answer. Slowly, you turn towards him.

"Why... Why do you hate me so much?"

He blinks in surprise for a moment. He digested your question for a moment, sitting in silence. After a while, you believed he wasn't going to answer. You sigh, turning back towards the exit. You knew you shouldn't have asked. But, right before your foot leaves the door way, you feel his eyes on you. "I don't hate you, (y/n)."

You smile a bit. When you turn around, you see him staring at you. Slowly, as if walking towards a wild animal, you make you way back toward him. Then, quickly and suddenly, you lean down and kiss his cheek and rush out of the building. Blushing all the way home with a stunned detective on the couch.


John walks into the room nearly an hour and a half after your left. He finds Sherlock on the couch, still looking a bit stunned and thinking. He also spots a half empty plate of cookies on the coffee table. He smiles, "How was your evening, Sherlock?" Sherlock inhales deeply and sits up. "She kissed me."

And after that John already knew who he was talking about. He chuckles at Sherlock's face. It seemed stunned and completely love struck, "I was considering asking her out to dinner..." John looks at Sherlock in surprise then grins. He had finally let someone into his world besides John. He was scared he'd be hurt, but John knew he was safe with you.

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