Chapter LVII: In Need

Start from the beginning

The young woman nodded her head and readied her left bicep for the shot while Timothy looked on.

"Before your fourth shot, we will do another ultrasound, perhaps by then the chocolate cyst might have shrunk or even disappeared completely. And let's pray that your endometriosis may have normalized a bit by then, too." The pretty doctor continued.

As an update, Dr. Cher asked her regular questions. "Is the bloated feeling still there?" Sabina nodded her head.

"Mood swings?" Nod.

"Hot flushes?" Again a nod.

"Dryness?" Another nod.

"There's a chance that this symptoms will intensify further ha, Sab? This is part of the adverse effects of the medicine but don't worry it will disappear as soon as you completed the regimen." She then darted her vision towards the quiet guy sitting next to her patient.

"I trust Sab here have discussed everything with you, Tim?" The lady doctor asked.

In response the young architect nodded his head. "But the cramps and spasm are still there Dr. Cher, sometimes she would wake up at 1:00 or 2:00 o'clock in the morning writhing in pain because of them." He stated, getting himself very involved with the discussion.

"That should have disappeared by now. Do you want me to have another look now, Sab?" The doctor queried automatically.

With no choice the gorgeous biologist nodded her head. "Okay."

The two women entered another room. A smaller one where the ultrasound machine was located, leaving the unsure Timothy alone inside Dr. Cher's office.

"Pelvic or Trans vaginal ultrasound?" The lady doctor asked with a hint of teasing in her tone.

Sabina rolled her eyes at her gynecologist friend. "Really, Cher?" She uttered in mortification, trying her hardest to hide the embarrassment. But then her lips began to twitch.

Promptly the pretty doctor giggled. "Oh Sabina, I'm so happy for you. It's Trans-vaginal then." She grinned goofily as she raised one of her eyebrows.

"Does it hurt? I mean the coupling?" She asked.

Sabina blushed from the roots of her hair down to the tip of her pinky toes. "Cher!" She half-yelled, scandalized with her friend's inquiries.

"I need to know, one of the many symptoms of endometriosis is painful coupling. You have read about that, right?" She used a professional tone this time but her eyes were still alighted with naughtiness and mischievousness.

"No, the beginning hurt a little but later on the discomfort disappeared." The gorgeous biologist admitted shyly.

"That pain doesn't count considering that you're a virgin so I will take this as a good sign." Dr. Cher Magno declared in a serious tone.

This earned another rolling of the eyes from the gorgeous heiress. "God! Cher don't say it out loud, okay?" She admonished, blushing profusely again.

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