-4- his friends.

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Taehyung grabs his bag from the trunk and makes his way to the very large studio.

"Will they like me?"

I asked,nibbling on my new sweater.

"They'll have to."

He smiled, opening the door. As he walked in the studio, five figures stood In the middle, they were all sweaty and gross.

"Hey, guys! Let's take a break, I need you all to meet my friend."

The five look to Taehyung, and take a seat on the ground. Taehyung does the same.

"You know how last year, before we graduated, we learning about those adorable creatures called munchies?"

The five nodded,

"Why? That's out of the blue, Taehyung."

The pink haired male spoke.

"I-...i uh, I met one."

The studio filled with laughter.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and grabbed my small body, lifting me up like in the lion king, to show everyone.

The room fell silent.

"Oh- wow! It's a small doll, that your niece gave You! Hurry it up, we're  about to die our hair."

Another one of the males said.

"No, jimin. Hobi, speak or say something."

Taehyung brought me to his face and smiled, soon turning me to face the others.

"Hello,I'm hoseok- or hobi."

The five stared awkwardly at me, making me uncomfortable.

"So...its real.."

Another one of the five said.

"Yeah, jin. Hobi is real."

"That's amazing! He's so cute! Can I hold him!?"

I head Taehyung chuckle from behind me.

"Hobi, can jungkook hold you?"

I looked up to Taehyung and nodded. I then faced toward the male that scootched his but towards Taehyung, and held my arms out. He 'awed' and picked me up, bringing me to his face.

"Hello, little hobi."

I smiled and waved.



The male smiled.

Oh yeah, he was the guy that drank poison with Taehyung.

"Hello, Kookie."

The Nick name brought a huge smile to his face.

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