This is not how I imagined my first day! But I really do hope we'd see each other again. I smiled running hastily.

I'm really glad that I made it in time. I was in the faculty office for a briefing then later I was ushered to follow my homeroom teacher so I did. I was now standing outside the classroom, our homeroom teacher told me to wait there until I was called, so I did. I can't help but feel all jittery from all the tensions. I really wish to meet some new friends.

When someone spoke at my side, that's when I noticed a group of students walking passed by me and I saw this guy barely holding onto the other guy, who looks like a he-she, I'm not sure actually. Unconsciously I approached them and offered a help, that's when I landed my eyes to the girl beside them.

"Oh! It's you!" I said enthusiastically and I can't help but smile at her. I'm just glad to see her again and I don't know why. Everything I dreamed for a sister, reflected on her. 

"Y-yeah it's me..." She said and I grinned widely.

That's when I heard our homeroom teacher called my name. Such a bad timing. I hesitated at first but I had decided maybe I could skip for a minute. I told him I need to offer a helping hand and he agreed right away. I didn't expect it actually, I thought he would insist other people to do the job but he didn't. I guess it's fine.

I helped them towards the clinic as the girl I bumped with dialed a taxi to pick them up. That's when I remembered her graze on her hand. Good thing we're already in the clinic. I pulled her towards the table to aid her myself, since the nurse went out. The androgyny guy followed behind and scolded her for some reason, at first I thought they were a thing. So I apologizes in her behalf since it's my fault anyway.

The Taxi came sooner and we carried the heavy tanned guy until the school gate, to where the cab was waiting. Who's this guy anyway? They bid their farewell together and I was just observing them, jsut then she asked my name.

"Byun... Byun Baekhyun!" I said a bit louder and clearer than I intended to.  A part of me is screaming from happiness that she asked for my name so I smiled at her automatically and she smiled back as she told us goodbye.

The car drove away from us, and that's when I remembered, "I forgot to ask her name..."

"Whose name?" Asked by the androgyny guy at my back and I pointed at the direction of the car which looks like a small black dot now from a distance.

He laughed then said, "Hyunjae... Wu Hyunjae" 

"Wu Hyunjae..." Are Wu's that popular here in Seoul, I asked internally. I chuckled finding myself being silly.

The day drag on for so long than I had wanted to. But I'm really glad I get to meet new people today. Not sure if I can call them already as a friend now, since I haven't known them for so long. Except for Luhan, for some reason we get along so well. And I'm thankful that he was there. Now, I'm on my way home. But I stopped just at the school gate stunned from a sudden realization. I forgot to ask Auntie the address of the house, I screamed and wailed internally.

"Now how am I supposed to go home!?" I said bitterly crouching.

"Hey! What's wrong?" I heard a familiar voice at my back and I turned around.

"Luhaaaeeeeennnn!!" I wailed hugging the guy.


Luhan tensed up from the sudden gesture of the new guy, not because he's attracted to the guy, but it was so so sudden that's why he can't help but stiffened.

"What? What happened?" Luhan asked a bit flabbergasted.

"Do you have a phone?" Baekhyun said pouting.

Luhan learned from Baekhyun the stupidity of the small guy and can't help but ridicule him even more, for being careless and plain stupid for a new guy.

"Or better yet, stay here and wait for your guardian to come and fetch you. For sure they'll come looking for you when by dinner you're still not around."

"Right, thanks for the advice hyung. How mature." Baekhyun retorted.

The two boys were already at the bus stop. Baekhyun had already called in her Auntie to fetch her and Luhan for some reason had stayed behind until the service of the new guy came, just to be safe that he'd be able to go home for the day. 

"Baekhyunnie!" Someone shouted as she alighted the bus. Just before Baekhyun could respond, Luhan already beat him into it.

"Ahjumma Lee?"

Now Baekhyun is more than surprised.

The ride back to the Wu's residence, consisted of telling the story of Baekhyun and Ahjumma Lee and Hyunjae being the daughter of the kind woman, they had met few days back, and many, many more. Now Luhan is more than overwhelmed as to how small the world really is.

"I think this is gonna be interesting." Luhan blurted out beside Baekhyun.

"What is?" Baekhyun asked perplexed.

"Nothing..." He shook his head, but his stupid smile is still evident on his face.

"Your smile says otherwise." He's now staring intently at the deer guy and he just chuckled.

They soon reached the Wu's residence. And Baekhyun is too speechless to say anything. He had never lived in a house as big as this, and most definitely not ever in his life has ever thought being able to live in one. That's why when he saw how big it is. He almost run away, for a second he thought his Auntie is going to sell him to some rich bastard in exchange of the suffering she had received for the past years so he could get a proper education.

"Don't be stupid! What makes you think I would do that?" Ahjumma Lee sighed in exasperation and the deer guy can't help but guffawed at the back, observing Baekhyun's panic-stricken mode.

"Calm down Baek!" Luhan still laughing patting the boy at the back. "Don't be afraid, Hyunjae is living here as well. You have nothing to be afraid of." Luhan said pushing Baekhyun to move forward. Even before he could retort back, he heard the door unlocking.

There stood Hyunjae, in her casual clothing. Her expression changed from being surprised, to frowning then back to being surprise as she heard the words.

"This is Baekhyun my nephew. He's the only son of my deceased sister and he has no relatives left except me, that's why he was left in my care. And starting from now, he'd be staying here as well. We'll be in your care."

"What?" You unconsciously uttered, it's not like you're against it. You don't really have any problem with them staying there, but what really surprises you was the fact that Byun Baekhyun, your new classmate, was actually Ahjumma Lee's nephew? what a small world indeed.

"Well, don't look at me. I have no idea...."

Ahjumma Lee bowed at you, but you were fast enough to stop them.

"No, Ahjumma Lee. You don't have to." And then you smiled. "I'm- I'm just surprised that Baekhyun here is your nephew, we've met earlier in school actually." You said now feeling excited. Then you shifted your gaze towards Baekhyun who's feeling all jittery at the back. Ahjumma Lee sighed in relief as she smiled back.

"Hi Baekhyun." You said smiling brightly as you stepped aside to let them in.

"Hi! we've met again!" And Baekhyun has now calmed down right after you'd finally acknowledge him. For a moment, he thought he isn't welcomed. 

"So, where's the brat?" Luhan snickered, handing you your stuffs, and you can't help but chuckled rolling your eyes.

"Leave him alone Lulu." And both of you laughed.

A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

Okay, I'm so sorry guys if it took me only now to update this one. I'm seriously having a major writer's block on this story and I dont know why. But little by little I'm getting on it. Please bear with me.

And I'm actually planning on ending this soon...:) Just few more chapter left I guess.

See you on the next update! xoxo

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