Jacob's girlfriend

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After a few hours of awkward conversations, and being stared at with hate by Aaliyah. We finally decided to go back home.

This two day have been insanely weird. My boyfriend has a little son, he is married, I stayed at his house with my entire family, and his sister thinks I'm a slut...

And don't get me wrong. I truly like Ian, I think he is as sweet and kind hearted as his father. And I know Aaliyah and I could get to be really good friends If I get her to like me. But it's just been too much lately.

I needed a break... not from Shawn, but from all the craziness around me.

The moment we arrived home I went straight into my room and jumped into bed. I was really tiered and just wanted to get some rest. But before I could even close my eyes my phone vibrated.

Unknown: hey...
Unknown: haven't talked to you in a while...
Me: IK
Me:it's been quite a long time
Unknown: how are u doing
Me: great... except for the fact that I'm the school's slut
Unknown: bullshit
Unknown: I know it isn't true
Me: how are u so sure?
Unknown: Cause I know you
Me: we've only talked a few times
Unknown: I know more about you than what you think.

Jeez... first mendes and now this guy? Why is everyone been stalking me lately?!

Unknown: was that too creepy?
Me: a little bit
Unknown: I'm sorry
Me: don't worry about it 😂
Me: It's just weird that you know so much about me considering that We've never really seen each other in real life
Unknown: believe me, we have
Me: ??
Unknown: u actually know me pretty darn well too...
Me: I do?
Me: who are you?

Next morning ☀️

I woke up, feeling tiered. It was Monday which meant I had to go to school. This is going to be a long day....

I took a quick shower, changed into some descent clothes that where not my unicorn pijamas, did my hair and make up, and went downstairs to have some breakfast.

I sat at the table next to my brother. He was smiling at his phone. "Who are u texting?" I asked. "Non of your business" he replied. I rolled my eyes and continued eating my breakfast. He kept laughing and smiling at his phone. I don't know it was just him being stupid, or he was talking to a girl. Perhaps he was looking at some memes.

After we finished our breakfast we got into his car and drives to school. It only took us about 10 minutes to get there.

I got out of the car and walked right into the school. As I walked through the hallways I decided to stop by vee's locker. I hadn't seen her in a while, and I really missed her.

"Hi vee" I said as I found her standing in front of her locker, gracing some books. "Hi! How was your weekend?" She asked. "It was interesting...." I said. "What about yours?" I asked. "It was okay so cool! You won't believe who I came across at my sister's kindergarten the other day!" She said. "W-who?" I asked. "Mr.Mendes! He was with a little kid who I suppose is his son, but like Oh my god! He looked so hot!" She said. "Doesn't he always look hot?" I asked. She just laughed in agreement. The bell rang. We had to head to our next class.

As we walked through the hallways I saw a familiar face. My brother's to be exact. And he wasn't alone... he was holding hands with my worse nightmare...


Oh my God !I'm so happy I finally posted! I've been missing you guys so much you have no idea !!!!!!!we are finally getting back to the juicy stuff .here is where all the real drama starts. if you were thinking the story was already pretty intense, just give it a minute because it's just starting. a roller coaster of the motions is about to come for Renee and for you all.



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