Dirty dreams

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I walked out of Mr.Mendes' classroom. I could still feel how he was staring at me, but it didn't really bothered me.

The rest of the school day all I could do was think about him, there was something about him... not only his AMAZING looks, there was more. Something about his eyes that attracted me to him. Besides, he sort of had a familiar look, Like'd seen him before.

I went into the library to get some books for the week. Not for school, just for fun. I started walking through the many bookshelves, looking at many of the books, trying to pick the right one. Until I finally find it... Emma by Jane Austen. "I guess you are a little bit of a bookworm" I heard a familiar voice, I turned around meeting with Mr.Mendes' hazel orbs. "Oh...yeah, I guess... I just enjoy reading, it's not a big deal" I laughed a little. "That is actually quite a big deal, Not many people of your generation enjoy reading something that doesn't come from Wattpad or a Text bubble" I laughed at his comment. "Then I guess I'm the odd one out" I smiled. He looked down at my book "Oh, Emma. The story of a young matchmaker" he smiled. "Really good, but I expected a bit more from you" He said "more? What do you have in mind?" I raised an eyebrow with a small smirk. He immediately smirked back. "I'm Glad you asked" he said before reaching to the top shelf of the bookshelf behind me. "This is what you should be reading" He said as he handed me a book. "The taming of the shrew? Shakespeare?" I arched my eyebrow. "He is kind of old school" I said letting out a small laugh. "Well, Jane Austen isn't exactly fresh new either. Besides, it's a classics. And classics never get old" He winked before he left. I felt my heart skip a beat. He'll be the death to me.

After a few boring class periods I finally got to go home. I went to the parking lot, where Jacob was already waiting for me. "So, how was your first day at school?" He asked as I got into the car. "Actually..." I locked my zip belt. "It wasn't that bad" I said with a small smile as I held my books tightly.

After about 20 minutes, we finally got home. I got off the car. "Hey... um I'm going to Austin's house for 4:20 and shit... So, I'll see you later okay?" He said, I smiled. "Yeah, cool... just don't get too stoned okay?" I said with a smirk "I won't." He said before he turned on the car. "Bye schnitzel head" He said before he left. I rolled my eyes and laughed at the comment.

I went inside the house. "Mom? Dad? I'm home!" I yelled, but got no response. I went upstairs, to my room sat on my bed and analyzed my life and existence in general for a good ten minutes as I looked blankly into a wall... you know, the usual. After that I looked at the book Mr.Maple gave me (That's the nickname she gave him). The training of the shrew... meh, can't be that bad. I thought as I grabbed the book in my hands and opened it to start reading it.

The hours passed as I kept reading the book, at the middle of it I realized that this was the exact same story of 10 things I hate about you, one of my favorite movies.

As I continued to read I started feeling more and more tired, my eye leads felt heavy and I could hardly concentrate on my reading. I slowly placed the book on my bedside table, and curled up in bed quickly falling asleep.


He pushed my body against the lockers. My legs where wrapped around his waist, his hands holding my lower back tightly as my hands went up and down his bare, muscular back. He slowly started kissing my neck leaving marks on it and making me let out a little moan. He lets out a strong groan as his hands travel from my lower back to my ass, he grips it tightly and shortly after he starts pulling my panties down. He pulls away for a few seconds, I look at him straight to the eye. "MENDES?!"

I immediately opened my eyes and woke up laying on my dead... oh my god... It was just a dream... WAIT... did I just... with... Maple?

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