Chapter 8

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Griffin POV.

I just going to go along with the plan that Abby hasn't found out yet that will better, Liz wanted to be there for it and I'm going to have her there for it. Maybe not the real time but she will see it.

We headed down stairs and saw that everyone was sitting down on the couches out of there bathing suits. Abby looked at me see if she could figure out if I found anything out. I shook my head yes. And she mouthed thank you.

"Guys" Liz said to everyone as we sat down. Everyone finished their talk they were having and looked at her. She's going to tell everyone what happened earlier that day. "Griffin has something he wants to tell Abby" Or I guess I was wrong and she going right to the point.

Abby looked at me questioningly "um ok, what is it?" she looked at Liz then to me. Dame it a lot harder to say when you have people watching, and I actually have to say it.

I cleared my voice "Abby this is something that i've tried keeping a secret for a while." Liz fakes coughs "8 years" I look at her and tell her to shut up. "Key word is tried, these girls found out and are now begging me to tell you, they like embarrassing me. Especially in front of you. See it's pathetic because you have a boyfriend which seems to me like you are perfect together, I don't really know why I'm telling you this but, I really like you Abby. you make me happy when I see you" I could have kept going but Abby interrupted me by hugging me.

She pulled away from me and winked at me but for only for me to see "you're cute Griffin, you're super sweet. And I love spending time for you but you're right I have Ben" she patted my back. And smiled at me with a sorry expression. We already went over this so this was all us acting.

I looked at the girls no one new what to say "was that what you were expecting to happen" I asked the girls they all shook their heads no. when Abby saw how they reacted turned and looked to me, as I did to her. I didnt no what to do next. The girls must have thought she was going to say she had feeling for me too. That only happens in fairy tales and let me tell you my life is not a fair tail.

Abby broke the silence and decided to put in a movie for the last hour we had left of the party. She decided to sit next to me during the movie instead of Liz like usual. I wasn't sure if someone told her to or not but from what I can tell she did it willing me.

The younger brother walked into the house for the first time this night with his friends, right as Abby decide to lay her head on my lap. "Yo Casey Is Ben not a thing anymore" Abby shook her head, only I could see "He's still very much my boyfriend, hello Casey, and friends" Abby says to Casey's friends as she lifted her head off my lap and moved to the other side of the couch.

"Please take your friends up stairs, close liz's room door along with mine. Stay upstairs until everyone leaves and Liz and I make it to our rooms. Not looking forward to seeing you guys again tonight." she told them with power in her voice, not going to lie i've never seen that side of her and I'm kinda digging it.

"Nice to see you to baby" Casey slapped his friend and made them go up stairs. In the corner of my eye I can see Abby flipping him off. And Liz ducking down into the couch. Abby pulls out her phone and starts using it. I feel my phone go off.

Text from Abby <3 is what shows up on my home screen. I open my phone and see what she sent me.

Abby: what did you find out?

She sent me

Me: two things. Liz is going to the police tomorrow first thing she wants you, and myself to take her and for me to stay the night. And the other thing your brothers friend wants to get into your pants, just incase you couldn't tell

Abby: hahahah very funny

Abby: thank you for talking to her, It helps a lot

Me: Anything to keep her safe.

She read it and then from what I could see from looking at her phone she started talking to Ben, nothing else really happened that night the girls moms started showing up to pick them up and soon it was just Abby, Liz, and I. Ben is coming home tomorrow from what I saw from looking at Abby's phone. Which means everything is going to go back to normal she will be spending time with Ben and won't even think about me.

We finish watching the movie even after everyone left, Honestly I have watched one bit I was looking at Abby the whole time. Not in a creepy way. The movie ended which lead to Liz telling me that I could sleep in the guest room, and showing me where it was. Liz and Abby went up stair and I went to the guest room I layed down on the bed and looked at the ceiling.

Trying to get conterbal I took off my jeans and shirt and laid down again. I put the covers on top of me and tried to sleep. I closed my eyes and I heard a knock at my door, well guest bedroom door. I told them to come in. Abby walked in "oh hey Abbs" I said while rubbing the back of my head and looking down to notice I wasn't wearing a shirt and remembering I wasn't wearing pants. It was dark though so she wouldn't be able to see.

Abby walked into the room "I brought you some PJ, there Wills so they will fit you" she places them on the bottom of my bed. I said thanks to her and she continued to stand and look around the room. I grabbed the clothes and put them on fast.

"If you need anything else I can get it now for you" she told me and continued to look around the room like she has never seen it before. Looking at every detail of the wall. She walked over to the wall and looked at a picture. I got up and followed her to the picture. It was a picture of Liz and a baby.

"That's a really sweet picture of her" I told her turning my head to look at her. "Thats me and Liz" she turned her head to look at me. She had a big smile on her face. I was looking into her eyes before I realized how close we were, I didn't move she didn't either. "Liz looks a lot like me when I was younger, as you can tell" she started laughing and looked back at the picture "you guys look the same, I thought that was her obviously" I say still looking at her.

She started walking to the bed sat down and layed her back over the bottom of it "she gets so frustrated sometimes, she thinks that because she looks like me she needs to do everything I do to follow in my footsteps in order to make this kid who is a total pervert like her. It makes me sad" she tells me in complete frustration "does the pervert like you?" I asked making my way over to the bed and sitting near the pillows. It would be so much easier if this girl wasn't so likeable and everyone didn't like her. "I don't think he likes me but she sees it that way, he's 14 so he better not like me" she speaks out loud and rolls her eyes.

I bet its the kid from earlier. "Is it the kid that asked if Ben was still a thing" I asked hoping she knew what I was talking about. "That would the charmer himself, I hate that kid" she starts shaking her head "yeah he definitely wants to get in you, please never let him." I widened my eyes realizing what I just said. She lifted her head up and looked at me "dude, why the hell would I let that ever happen" "see it's late and I finished that statement in my head and not out loud, please never let him take evantachive of you. And if you ever need help, I don't care if you're naked or not I'll come and help you" I squeezed my eyes closed. I say the stupidest things when I'm tired, I need to stop talking "you would prefer me to be undressed though" she winked at me and layed back down and started giggling. "I mean yeah but i'll still help you if you're not." I covered my mouth "I need to stop talking" "this is good I can get stuff out of you right now, truth or Dare shall we? Truth or dare Griff?" I can tell already this is going to be bad for me.

"Truth" "what would be the one clothing item you would want me to take off?" well shirt obvously if she wanst wearing a bra "shorts" and before I knew it she throw her shorts at me, she was wearing some sort of underwear not sure exactly what it was covering my eyes widened and she noticed and laughed. It's dark in here so I really can't see much anyways

The game continued until 2 in the morning and the only dare that is import is the one where I got a picture of us and with Ben's permission she was kissing my cheek and sitting on my lap with no shorts on. Which I made my home screen and wallpaper. She left the room holding her shorts. My only hope is that the boys already left. I listened to the sounds of her feet walking up stairs before I went to bed. 

The party is over finally! next chapter will be Ben coming home and other stuff! thanks for reading and feel free to give fead back!!! 

I used to like lifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora