Chapter 2

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It started July 23, I was walking to dance with Abby. she didn't dance there anymore but still continued to walk with me, we had time to talk without someone trying to hear what we were saying. We turned the corner and I saw this man, the same man from the day before when I had gone to the movies with my friend and he was sitting outside on a beach where he looked like he was looking for someone. He stood out to me because he was wearing all black and these bright red sneakers you could see from a mile away. I didn't think anything of it that day at the movies, he was probably just waiting for his child. But that day when I was going to dance he had a different look than before like he was confused or even disappointed. I wasn't sure why, but he freaked me out. It was a different feeling for me I'd never felt anything like it before. I didn't tell my sister because I didn't really think anything was going to happen or that I was plane out overreacting. He took a quick look at me probably because I was staring at him and he walking in between two house which is a little weird, to say the least, but maybe it was his house or someone that he knew. Abby and I continued to walk to dance, showing up 10 minutes before everyone else got there. Today was custom fitting. If you don't know what that is, it's basically when my teacher finally gets the costumes we are using and we try them on making sure they fit and if they don't he has someone come in to tailor them for each of us till they fit perfect. My teacher believed that the custom makes or break the dance so we needed them to be perfect. My teacher showed up 5 minutes after us. Abby normally leaves at that point but he asked her to stay to have another opinion on the outfit and to make sure it goes with the dance.

I personally think he might like Abby, whatever chance he gets to ask her to stay he does. And the way he looks at her, oh my gosh it's like he saw the queen of America in person. It was always funny to me. He's a young guy he's still in college he was maybe 21 or 22. He's not bad looking and if Ben and Abby weren't meant to be I would've totally made them a thing. When he gives us our 10 minutes break in the middle of our class, us being 12 - 14-year-old girls and him being a guy with no girlfriend or wife we ask him about his love life and who he'd would love to date if he had the chance. He would never tell us a name but we got him to describe her. The first thing he always said was she has a boyfriend (ben). She has long beautiful hair(yes). Brown gorgeous eyes(yes). An amazing body(I don't want to say yes but yeah). She danced here last year(yes). Can sing unbelievably it's crazy( um yeah). She probably never looks at me as more than a friend(yeah probably she has a boyfriend). She's all around amazing(um yeah she's my sister obviously I would think that). You all know her, some more than others(true very true). She's very talented and she going to the same school as me next year(yes to both). So unless there is a copy of Abby out there somewhere I think it's her. We all think it's her so we would all plan stuff so the would both be there and without a fail one would always have something to do, so it was only one of them that would show up. We would have team parties and of course, Griffin would have to come, but Abby didn't so they would be at my house my parents never mined so it worked out. It's definitely not because we want her to break it off with Ben but more because he would get to see her and his face would light up and he would be happy. He knew he couldn't ask her out he knew she had a boyfriend and they were very happy together and he's not that kind of person to hurt what they have. We have our middle of the year party this Friday, to talk about fundraising and just pretty much have fun as a team.

We tried on our costumes like we were supposed to for me it fits just right this time no need for any tailoring. Abby said she loved the costume and she thought it went with the dance nicely that we just showed her 2 seconds ago. Griffin agreed. We got our 10 minutes break so we all sat down. Abby went outside to take a phone call and Griffin didn't take his eyes off her once. "Yo Griff take a picture it will last longer," said Emily. We all started laughing he turned bright red and looked down I guess we were pretty loud, Abby put her head in the doorway and asked what she missed? "Nothing," said everyone besides Griffin. "Griff, you're a little red, are you good? Do you want me to get you some water?" ask Abby, as his face gets redder if possible "he's good, I think he wants you to come back in though" I said "Liz! Take your time no need to rush back in for me um I mean the class and the costumes and yeah" Griff said right before he got up and went to the bathroom. "Is he ok? What did you guy do to him?" asked Abby. "we did nothing, the question is what did you make his friend do?" said Emily right before I slapped her and told her to shut up. "What do you mean?" Abby asked the class. We all just shrugged our shoulders. Griffin walks back into the room. "Hey, you doing better now?" "Yeah, thanks Abby for caring" "I actually have to go, do you think you could get a ride home from someone? It's getting dark and I have to get ready, I probably won't be able to come back in time." Abby asked me "I can give her a ride home no problem, can you text me your address?" Griffin asks hopefully. "Thanks, Griff, Liz can show you the way I have to go. By guys, don't let Mr. Griffin over here get to red!" Abby winks at Griffin before she continued to walk out the door. "When you think you're acting smooth and going to get the girl of your dreams phone number but you're not smooth enough." said my best friend Sara, he rolls his eyes and everyone starts laughing "haha very funny," Griffin said to us all "are you excited for the party? Abby's going to be there, late but she's going to be there" I asked Griff. "She's actually going to be there? Where is she coming from that's she going to be late?"  Griffin asked me, acting like he didn't care but we could tell that he did. "she going to some party with her friend I don't know you will see it on her snap story!" I told Griffin and all the other girls smile. "Do you have her snap?" asked Sara sense Abby is like her second sister. "No how am I supposed to get her snap she just shut me down for her number" "it's on her Instagram bio everyone has it?.............. You don't follow her do you?" said Sara again "I don't want to be creepy and follow her." Griffin told us "is Ben going to be there tomorrow?" asked Emily "um no he's leaving tonight, that's why she had to go she driving him to the airport at 8." I answer Emily. "8? It's 4 she needs 4 hours?" Griffin asked. "She needs to look perfect for Ben come on get with it?" Being Ben's sister Sara told him. "She doesn't need to do anything to look perfect she already is," said Griffin. The whole class aww "that's super sweet Griffin. I want to tell her that, can I please tell her that." I pleased "no you can't that will be weird she would know I like her if you did." he answered back. "Nah she won't she doesn't really get the whole I'm trying to send you a message that I like you thing she wouldn't pick up on it". I tell Griffin Not because she's stupid just because she doesn't really think of any other boy liking her besides Ben so it would be ok. "Oh shit sorry guys you can leave it's 6, bye have a nice day at school, see you later tomorrow, 5 o'clock everyone" Griffin tell us we can leave. He finished packing his stuff up and bring everything to his car I jump in the front seat and he drives me home. He didn't need my add dress he knew where I lived. We pulled up to my house and walked me to the door probably hoping Abby would answer the door. He rang the bell and weirdly enough Abby did answer the door. "What the heck are you wearing?" I questioned knowing Griffin wanted to know why she was only in a towel. She put her body behind the door with her head only showing. "Sorry Griffin, I wasn't thinking I just got out of the shower and the door was locked you would have been standing there for a while if I changed first." My sister explained to us "Its ok its not like I saw anything you're all covered." Griff answered back "so you want to have dinner with us we are ordering a pizza?" I ask him knowing he wanted to stay. "Is that fine with you Abby I don't want to intrude on you getting ready, NOT THAT IM HELPING YOU GET READY OR ANYTHING but I don't want" Abby spoke before he would embarrass himself anymore "I get what you are saying  no worries I get ready in my room you won't see me for a while. Come in, what pizza do you want I'll order it before I go up." Griffin and I both looked at each other and said cheese. "That was adorable i'll order it, you can go sit down" said Abby. "I can order it for you-you're in a towel I don't want you to be uncounterable with me here." griff offered. "Ok thanks, I'm going to get ready." she runs up stair holding onto her towel for dear life making sure it didn't fall or slip down. He orders the pizza for us and when it came paid for it as well. We started eating because she wasn't eating with us until she came down with her hair curled and full makeup, wearing softy shorts and a cami. holding a short black dress with cut-outs on the sides and a crop top and jeans. "I need help which should I wear, I want ben to remember me as his hot girlfriend he will be missing while he's away surrounded by a bunch of hot ass girls wearing bikinis." "I say the dress." I answered. "Ok thanks, Liz! Griffin, you want to pick one" "wear what you are wearing you are already perfect the way you are!" " aww aha thanks, griff" she goes over and hugs him, his eyes go wide and he mouths to me, Did I just say that out loud? And I mouth back um yeah. Abby walks back upstairs and comes down 5 minutes later wearing the tight fitted black dress with slits on the sides clearly being able to see her hot pink bra through the dress and wedges. Griffins mouth dropped open as she walked passed us and into the kitchen to get her keys. I whisper into his ear to shut his mouth. "Ok guys how do I look?" asked Abby as she did a spin "Ben won't be forgetting about you anytime soon, I definitely won't be." said Griff "amazing as always," I told her. "You are both very sweet, oh um I have to get your money come to my room real fast before I leave." said Abby as she turns to walk up the stairs "as much as I would love to see your room you're not paying me back for the pizza what type of gentleman would I be letting 2 lovely young ladies like you pay for me?" I roll my eyes at what Griffin just said "ok fine you will have to come over again when I'm actually here and I'll pay for the both of you! Deal?" Abby answered him sweetly. "Deal. does that make us friends?" ask Griffin putting Abby on the spot. "Everyone is my friend you didn't have to ask me to be friends if I talk to we basically are friends" I laughed to myself knowing that was true along with what's coming next. "Oh really? So do you think I can follow you on Instagram?" Griffin asked shyly. "Dude I have half of this town population following me you don't have to ask I wouldn't have said no even if we weren't friends." Knowing what she said was true I slapped my forehead and laughed a little "she has 5,000 followers she definitely would have picked you out of everyone else to decline" I said laughing. " here follow me now I'll follow you back" she looks around for her phone and noticed she didn't have it "Liz will you go get my phone I'm wearing wedges?" she asked me. "Of course my favorite sister. Don't go too crazy and ask if you can add her on snap" I say as I run up the stairs, I quickly grab her phone and run back downstairs. "Thank you Liz, and except follow request and request to follow. You can add me on snap if you want it's in my bio." she tells him." ok sounds good" he says "and I'll add you back" "she has a finsta you should follow her on that to shes pretty slutty" I say "oh thanks Liz" she says shaking her head "I'll pass on that one, you definitely aren't but you can keep that one to people you trust" Griffin said to us "it's not that I don't trust you but it's kinda for my really close friends." Abby said "I get that no worries" he said back "I got to go now, I'll be back around 9:30 ish. Griff, you can stay for as long as you want our parents aren't coming back till Sunday so it's just Liz until I get back" we both said bye to her as she walks out the door "I'll probably stay for a little bit then I should go." he told me. "You want to go through her finsta don't you" "I obviously do but I don't want to push past the boundary line" he told me "she won't even know just do it, here's my phone" "you're really letting me do this" he takes my phone and looks through her picture sometimes asking who someone is or if he can have one of her picture meaning screenshot it and send it to him. Of course I said no every time that would be pushing the boundaries. A half-hour later we said bye and he left and I went to bed knowing Abby wasn't coming home anytime soon.

Yo Yo Yo chapter Two hope this is good and you enjoy! do you like this long of a chapter or like the last one? let me know!!! See you in the next chapter!!!

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