Oh did you forget to mention? You guys have upgraded from acquaintances to new best friends. The connection and click was just there. "Who are they?" You smiled as she dragged you to the rooms and threw the door open before plopping onto the bed dreamily. "They're amazing. You'll find out when you reach alright?" Hyun soon giggled as she took her phone before crazily starting to type.

Your mind slightly started wandering as you sat on your bed, his name crossing your mind.

It can't be can it? It can't be him...

You clenched your fist as a wave of sadness and nostalgia hit you. You missed him. You wanted him back. You still loved him.

Even after those years and years of effort put into trying to push him out, to try and forget him. You'd never forget your ray of sunshine, the only person who made you smile the brightest everyday other than your parents. He was your everything.

And because of that one dream he had, he left.

Your teeth were clenched together tightly as you tried to force your tears away. You couldn't let this relationship, this heartbreak he caused ruin your life, ruin your dreams, ruin your future.

No, it can't possibly be him. It won't be him. Definitely not him.

After a few hours of chatting, you and Hyun Soo headed out. Wearing casual jeans and a hoodie, you smiled as Hyun Soo wore her converse shoes before walking out of the dorm, a huge smile plastered over her face as she continuously blabbered excited.

Chuckling at her cute behavior, you lined up outside the concert hall with her still jumping up and down excitedly. "Jhope oppa said he's going to announce something," a whisper suddenly caught your attention.

J...hope? Hope?

Your heart squeezed itself as a memory flashed by : "I'll be your hope forever Ailee!" He chuckled as his arms circled your waist, his head resting against your shoulder gently as the winds blew past.

Chuckling, you patted his head as you looked at the amazing view before you. Maybe it was just the top of a small hill close to your village, but the view was still breathtaking.

"Earth to Ailee," you were suddenly snapped out of your trance by Hyun Soo who was already past security, motioning for you to step past the metal detector machine of some sort. Walking pass the security who replied with an ok once the machine beeped, you headed into the direction Hyun Soo was in. "We got standing tickets thanks to my months and months of saving," she chuckled. "How come you got two?" You asked curiously.

The excitement, that fire suddenly died down in her eyes instantly as her eyes darkened slightly. A frown made its way across her face but she instantly shook it off, shooting you a smile before replying, "I was supposed to go with my ex-friend. But she...she went with someone else." "Oh I'm sorry," you mumbled as you saw her smile sadly. "Its fine though! You're my new friend! Who cares about her," Hyun Soo's positive energy immediately returned and at that very moment, the lights darkened.

The fan girls all around started screaming crazily, including Hyun Soo who was a lot more jumpy than before.

Covering your ears slightly as the noise, you smiled as your friend was practically on the verge of tears as the music started playing.

Closing your eyes and letting the music play, you couldn't help but enjoy the wonderful beat and lyrics which were pretty sick, just saying.

You opened your eyes as the flashing lights blinded you but you could roughly make out the guys dancing on stage.

-BTS Short Imagine-जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें