#110 (C O N T E S T #12)

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C O N T E S T #12

Would you rather :

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Would you rather :

76. Be forced to wear wet socks your whole life or only be allowed to wash your hair once a year?

77. Find out the unviverse was created a couple of days ago and all your memories and knowledge are fake or find out you are in coma right now and this text is a message from your doctor using advanced technology to wake you up?

78. Give up eating burger or pizza?

79. Give up eating chocolates or ice cream?

80. Break your friend's trust or your parents'?

81. Live to be 1000 years old but have to bury countless family members along the way or Live to be a 100 years old but all of your friends and family members live up to the age of 1000 without you?

82. Find out for certain that another intelligent life exists or Find out for certain that no intelligent life exists and humans are the only ones on the universe?

83. Find out aliens exist within our universe or Find out a multiverse exists and you are just one of the many parallel universes?

84. Die someday or live forever even if all humans die?

85. Have cheetos fingers for the rest of your life or have a popcorn kernel stuck in the back of the throat?

86. Use sandpaper as toilet paper or use chilli sauce as eye drops?

87. Have a permanent clown face or Have a permanent clown clothes?

88. Have legs as long as your fingers or have fingers as long as your legs?

89. Have to swim everywhere or have to run everywhere?

90. Have public hair for teeth or have teeth for public hair?

91. Cough glass shards or cry glass shards?

92. Change your gender every time you sneeze or can't differentiate between a muffin and a baby?

93. Have fingers as your tongue or Have tongues as fingers?

94. Always have to tell the truth or always have to lie?

95. Never have internet access again or never be able to talk to your friends again?

96. Only be able to whisper everything or Only be able to shout everything?

97. Find true love or win a lottery?

98. Have a photographic memory or be able to totally forget whatever you want?

99. Find out you are adopted or find out your best friend was never your friend?

100. Fight a dog sized cockroach or a dog sized rat?


So guys till know I posted 4 chapters of Would You Rather till now.

Which one was the toughest??

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