#20 (Contest #3) CLOSED

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C O N T E S T #3

Game : Guess the Diseases!

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Game : Guess the Diseases!

Rules :

1. Please don't cheat.

2. Once that you have told the answer please don't change it!

Prizes :

1. 1 Free banner for your book

2. Review of any of your book in my 'Wattpad Must Reads'

Guess the Diseases!

1. 👔📞id

2. 🆕🌙👍

3. 👀e♏⚠🅰

4. 🐥🔫👍

5. 📧⚾a

6. 🐥📦

I know there aren't many, but Enjoy solving!!! 😊😀😁😃😄😉😆😘😍😙❤❤❤

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