#30 (C O N T E S T #4) CLOSED

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C O N T E S T #4

Game : Riddle Me This!

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Game : Riddle Me This!

Rules :

1. eddyray26 Please let the others win this time 😅😂 You can solve and get all correct so I want the others to get a chance too because you have already won two contests! 😊

2. No cheating

3. Enjoy!!

Prizes :

1. A free Character Profile for any of your character in a book of your choice!

2. A review of your book in my Review Book.

Riddle Me This!

1. What can be swallowed but can also swallow you?

2. What can burn the eyes, sting the eyes and yet be consumed?

3. What gets harder to catch the faster you run?

4. What is the beginning of everything and also the end of life?

5. It's black when you buy it, red when you use it and grey when you throw it. What is it?

6. What runs but never walks?

7. When you say this word, it dissapears. What is it?

8. What travels all round the world but always stays in a corner?

9. The five letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it. What is the word?

10. We hurt without moving. We poison without touching. We bear the truth and the lies. We are not judged by our size. What am I?

11. Give me food and I will live. Give me water and I will die. What am I?

12. When you need me you throw me away. But when you are done with me you bring me back. What am I?

13. I'm teary eyed but never cry. I'm silver tongued but never cry. I'm double winged but never fly. I'm air cooled but never dry. What am I?

14. Under pressure is the only way I work, and by myself is the only way I'm hurt.

15. Many have heard me, but nobody has seen me and I will not speak back until spoken too. What am I?

16. Poke your fingers in my eyes, and I will open my jaw wide. Linen cloth, quills or paper, I will devour them all. What am I?

17. I take what you recieve and surrender it all by waving my flag. What am I?

18. I go on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon and on three legs in thr evening. What am I?

19. A boy is walking down the road with a doctor. While the boy is the doctor's son, the doctor isn't the boy's father. Then who is the doctor?

20. When you have me you immediately feel like sharing me. But if you do share me, you don't have me. Who am I?


And this is the end!

This will be open for 3 days!

Happy solving! 😉

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