BONUS CHAPTER- A Dragon's scale.

Start from the beginning

"What?" He rubs his ears and glares at me.

"It's my gift!" I hiss.

"I was just checking if there was something edible in that. I am fucking hungry" He rubs his belly as if that is supposed to justify why he opened my parcel without me.

I glare at him and carefully open the box to see what it carries.

"The love of your life does not know the definition of romance" T comments when he sees the sleek piece of metal in my hand. I glare at him again.

"What? He sends you a fucking mobile phone of all the things in the world!"

"Fuck off" I say with no heat as I turn on the mobile phone and a smile creeps up my lips when I see that it is not an ordinary phone. It is the phone that only his most trusted employees use. Like Teague.

"Why are you smiling like a creep? You would've gotten it sooner rather than later anyway" T points out and making sure all the stuff is out of the box, I chuck the empty package at him.

It's not about love for me. This job, working with Ed, is everything to me. Every fucking thing.

When I had decided that I was no longer going to study in werewolf schools, I had unknowingly flushed down my chances of receiving training of a professional warrior and if Ed had not made me realize that I could still salvage my dream, I might have broken down beyond repair.

So this phone, that is so hi-tech that I will never really be able to grasp what all it can do, is a symbol of trust that Ed has given me. His trust in me. And as hard as it is for any outsider to believe, this phone is the best gift that Ed could have ever given me.

"Why the fuck are you crying? Did I miss something? Is there a love note in that phone that Ed left for you?" T asks and I sniffle as I shoot him a withering look.

"What?! I am hungry!"

"You are always hungry!"

"So feed me, dammit! That's the least you can do given the fact that I grace you with my esteemed presence every damned day!" He exclaims and I cannot hold back the laughter that slips out of my mouth.

"Damn, handsome. I can always trust you to lift my spirits!" I smile at him and though he is scowling, I see my smile being reflected back in his eyes.

He comes towards me with so much hope in his eyes and my heart drops as his hands touch my face.

"No sparks" He whispers to himself and I sigh heavily as I put the phone aside and hug him like my life depends on it.


"I... I really thought that there'd be sparks this time" He says softly, his words a tickle in my ear.

"We'll be okay, Teague. We'll be okay" I promise him, though my promise sounds vain even to my own ears.


"....Thank you so much!" I end my valedictorian's speech and all the while, I don't let my eyes waver from Ed. As he had promised, he is here with Bas along with my Mom and Daddy and Hades and Becs and T and Mel. All in all, everyone I hold close to my heart is here but Him.

Wait. Why am I even thinking of him again?

'Because he is our Mate?' Sel points out and I block her out because her words make me angry. He is no mate of mine!

I feel eyes on me, and though everyone in this stadium is staring at me, sans the sleeping students, they feel different.

My eyes leave Ed and sweep through the crowd, trying to figure out why I feel so weird all of a sudden (a good kind of weird) but I find no one. Shaking my head to get rid of the feeling, I walk down the podium to collect my graduation certificate from the head mistress.

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